Activity Metrics

In addition to these base metrics, many aggregate metrics are available. If an entity type has parents defined, you can formulate all possible aggregate metrics using the formula base_metric_across_parents.

In addition, metrics for aggregate totals can be formed by adding the prefix total_ to the front of the metric name.

Use the type-ahead feature in the Cloudera Manager chart browser to find the exact aggregate metric name, in case the plural form does not end in "s".

Metric Name Description Unit Parents Version
combine_input_records Number of input records to combiner records CDH 5
combine_output_records Number of records output by combiner records CDH 5
cpu_system Kernel CPU time used (CPUs / s) CPU seconds per second CDH 5
cpu_system_rate Total System CPU seconds per second CDH 5
cpu_user Current User CPUs CPU seconds per second CDH 5
cpu_user_rate Total CPU user time seconds per second CDH 5
data_local_maps Number of map tasks reading local data tasks CDH 5
disk_read_rate Reads from local disk (bytes) bytes per second CDH 5
disk_write_rate Writes to local disk (bytes) bytes per second CDH 5
duration Activity or attempt duration ms CDH 5
fairscheduler_demand Fair Scheduler demand Fair Scheduler demand CDH 5
fairscheduler_fair_share Fair Scheduler fair share Fair Scheduler fair share CDH 5
fairscheduler_min_share Fair Scheduler minimum share Fair Scheduler min share CDH 5
fairscheduler_running_tasks Fair Scheduler running tasks Fair Scheduler running tasks CDH 5
fairscheduler_weight Fair Scheduler weight Fair Scheduler weight CDH 5
fallow_slots_millis_maps Total time spent by all map tasks waiting after reserving slots ms CDH 5
fallow_slots_millis_reduces Total time spent by all reduce tasks waiting after reserving slots ms CDH 5
hdfs_read_rate Reads from HDFS (bytes) bytes per second CDH 5
hdfs_write_rate Writes to HDFS (bytes) bytes per second CDH 5
map_input_bytes Input to map task (bytes) bytes CDH 5
map_input_records Number of input records to map task records CDH 5
map_output_bytes Output from map task (bytes) bytes CDH 5
map_output_records Number of records output by map task records CDH 5
map_progress Activity map-phase progress progress CDH 5
maps_failed_rate Maps Failed tasks per second CDH 5
maps_running Maps Running tasks CDH 5
mem_rss Resident memory used bytes CDH 5
mem_virtual Virtual memory used bytes CDH 5
num_desired_maps Desired map tasks tasks CDH 5
num_desired_reduces Desired reduce tasks tasks CDH 5
other_local_maps Other-local maps tasks CDH 5
rack_local_maps Rack-local map tasks tasks CDH 5
reduce_input_records Number of records input to reduce task records CDH 5
reduce_output_records Number of records output by reduce task records CDH 5
reduce_progress Activity reduce-phase progress progress CDH 5
reduce_shuffle_bytes Number of bytes in reduce shuffle bytes CDH 5
reduces_failed_rate Reduces failed tasks per second CDH 5
reduces_running Reduces Running tasks CDH 5
reduces_running_in_reduce_phase Reduce Reduces Running tasks CDH 5
reduces_running_in_shuffle_phase Shuffle Reduces Running tasks CDH 5
reduces_running_in_sort_phase Sort Reduces Running tasks CDH 5
slots_millis_maps Total time spent by all map tasks in execution ms CDH 5
slots_millis_reduces Total time spent by all reduce tasks in execution ms CDH 5
spilled_records_rate Number of spilled records records per second CDH 5
split_raw_bytes Number of raw split bytes bytes CDH 5
total_launched_maps Total launched map task attempts tasks CDH 5
total_launched_reduces Total launched reduce task attempts tasks CDH 5