Install and Configure Oracle Database for Cloudera Software

You can install an Oracle database for use with Cloudera Manager and other components that require a database.

To use an Oracle database, follow these procedures. For information on compatible versions of the Oracle database, see Database Requirements.

Collecting Oracle Database Information

To configure Cloudera Manager to work with an Oracle database, get the following information from your Oracle DBA:

  • Hostname - The DNS name or the IP address of the host where the Oracle database is installed.
  • SID - The name of the schema that will store Cloudera Manager information.
  • Username - A username for each schema that is storing information. You could have four unique usernames for the four schema.
  • Password - A password corresponding to each username.

Configuring the Oracle Server

Adjusting Oracle Settings to Accommodate Larger Clusters

Cloudera Management services require high write throughput. Depending on the size of your deployments, your DBA may need to modify Oracle settings for monitoring services. These guidelines are for larger clusters and do not apply to the Cloudera Manager configuration database and to smaller clusters. Many factors help determine whether you need to change your database settings, but in most cases, if your cluster has more than 100 hosts, you should consider making the following changes:
  • Enable direct and asynchronous I/O by setting the FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS parameter to SETALL.
  • Increase the RAM available to Oracle by changing the MEMORY_TARGET parameter. The amount of memory to assign depends on the size of the Hadoop cluster.
  • Create more redo log groups and spread the redo log members across separate disks or logical unit numbers.
  • Increase the size of redo log members to be at least 1 GB.

Reserving Ports for HiveServer 2

HiveServer2 uses port 10000 by default, but Oracle database changes the local port range. This can cause HiveServer2 to fail to start.

Manually reserve the default port for HiveServer2. For example, the following command reserves port 10000 and inserts a comment indicating the reason:

echo << EOF > /etc/sysctl.cnf
# HS2 uses port 10000
net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports = 10000
sysctl -q -w net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports=10000

Modifying the Maximum Number of Oracle Connections

Work with your Oracle database administrator to ensure appropriate values are applied for your Oracle database settings. You must determine the number of connections, transactions, and sessions to be allowed.

Allow 100 maximum connections for each service that requires a database and then add 50 extra connections. For example, for two services, set the maximum connections to 250. If you have four services that require a database on one host (the databases for Cloudera Manager Server, Hue, Reports Manager, and Hive metastore), set the maximum connections to 450.

From the maximum number of connections, you can determine the number of anticipated sessions using the following formula:

sessions = (1.1 * maximum_connections) + 5

For example, if a host has a database for two services, anticipate 250 maximum connections. If you anticipate a maximum of 250 connections, plan for 280 sessions.

Once you know the number of sessions, you can determine the number of anticipated transactions using the following formula:

transactions = 1.1 * sessions

Continuing with the previous example, if you anticipate 280 sessions, you can plan for 308 transactions.

Work with your Oracle database administrator to apply these derived values to your system.

Using the sample values above, Oracle attributes would be set as follows:

alter system set processes=250;
alter system set transactions=308;
alter system set sessions=280;

Ensuring Your Oracle Database Supports UTF8

The database you use must support UTF8 character set encoding. You can implement UTF8 character set encoding in Oracle databases by using the dbca utility. In this case, you can use the characterSet AL32UTF8 option to specify proper encoding. Consult your DBA to ensure UTF8 encoding is properly configured.

Installing the Oracle JDBC Connector

You must install the JDBC connector on the Cloudera Manager Server host and any other hosts that use a database.

Cloudera recommends that you assign all roles that require a database on the same host and install the connector on that host. Locating all such roles on the same host is recommended but not required. If you install a role, such as Reports Manager, on one host and other roles on a separate host, you would install the JDBC connector on each host running roles that access the database.

  1. Download the Oracle JDBC Driver from the Oracle website. For example, the version 6 JAR file is named ojdbc6.jar.

    For more information about supported Java versions, see Java Requirements.

    To download the JDBC driver, visit the Oracle JDBC and UCP Downloads page, and click on the link for your Oracle Database version. Download the ojdbc6.jar file (or ojdbc8.jar, for Oracle Database 12.2).

  2. Copy the Oracle JDBC JAR file to /usr/share/java/oracle-connector-java.jar. The Cloudera Manager databases and the Hive Mestastore database use this shared file. For example:
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/java
    sudo cp /tmp/ojdbc8- /usr/share/java/oracle-connector-java.jar
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/java/oracle-connector-java.jar

Creating Databases for Cloudera Software

Create schema and user accounts for components that require databases:

  • Cloudera Manager Server
  • Cloudera Management Service roles:
    • Reports Manager
  • Data Analytics Studio (DAS) Supported with PostgreSQL only.
  • Hue
  • Each Hive metastore
  • Oozie
  • Data Analytics Studio
  • Schema Registry
  • Streams Messaging Manager

You can create the Oracle database, schema and users on the host where the Cloudera Manager Server will run, or on any other hosts in the cluster. For performance reasons, you should install each database on the host on which the service runs, as determined by the roles you assign during installation or upgrade. In larger deployments or in cases where database administrators are managing the databases the services use, you can separate databases from services, but use caution.

The databases must be configured to support UTF-8 character set encoding.

Record the values you enter for database names, usernames, and passwords. The Cloudera Manager installation wizard requires this information to correctly connect to these databases.
  1. Log into the Oracle client:
    sqlplus system@localhost
    Enter password: ******
  2. Create a user and schema for each service you are using from the below table:
    create user <user> identified by <password> default tablespace <tablespace>;
    grant CREATE SESSION to <user>;
    grant CREATE TABLE to <user>;
    grant CREATE SEQUENCE to <user>;

    You can use any value you want for <schema>, <user>, and <password>. The following examples are the default names provided in the Cloudera Manager configuration settings, but you are not required to use them:

    Table 1. Databases for Cloudera Software
    Service Database User
    Cloudera Manager Server scm scm
    Reports Manager rman rman
    Ranger RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu ranger rangeradmin
    Ranger KMS RHEL/CentOS ranger rangerkms
    Hue hue hue
    Hive Metastore Server hive hive
    Oozie oozie oozie
    Data Analytics Studio (DAS) Supported with PostgreSQL only. das das
    Schema Registry schemaregistry schemaregistry
    Streams Messaging Manager smm smm
  3. Grant a quota on the tablespace (the default tablespace is SYSTEM) where tables will be created:
    ALTER USER <user> quota 100m on <tablespace>;
    or for unlimited space:
    ALTER USER <user> quota unlimited on <tablespace>;

For further information about Oracle privileges, see Authorization: Privileges, Roles, Profiles, and Resource Limitations.

Next Steps