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Using DistCp to migrate HDFS data from HDP cluster to CDP Private Cloud Base cluster

You can migrate data stored in HDFS from a secure HDP cluster to a secure or unsecure CDP Private Cloud Base cluster using the Hadoop DistCp tool.

Ensure that you have one of the following user accounts before you run Hadoop DistCp jobs:
  • HDFS superuser - For information about creating a HDFS superuser, see Create the HDFS superuser.
  • User named hdfs - By default, the hdfs user is not allowed to run YARN jobs. You must enable the hdfs user to run YARN jobs on both the clusters.

For more information about using DistCp, see Ports Used by DistCp, Distcp between Secure Clusters in Different Kerberos Realms, and Using DistCp to Copy Files.