Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Health Tests and Health History

The Health Tests panel shows health test results in an expandable and collapsible list, typically with the specific metrics that the test returned. You can Expand All or Collapse All from the links at the upper right of the Health Tests panel.

The Health Tests and Health History panels appear for HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Flume, Impala, ZooKeeper, and the Cloudera Manager Service. Other services such as Hue, Oozie, and YARN do not provide a Health Test panel.

  • The color of the text (and the background color of the field) for a Health Test result indicates the status of the results. The tests are sorted by their health status – Good, Concerning, Bad, or Disabled. The entries are collapsed by default. Click the arrow to the left of an entry to expand the entry and display further information.
  • Clicking the Details link for a health test displays further information about the test, such as the meaning of the test and its possible results, suggestions for actions you can take or how to make configuration changes related to the test. The help text may include a link to the relevant monitoring configuration section for the service.
  • In the Health Tests panel:
    • Clicking displays the lists of health tests that contributed to the health test.
    • Clicking the Details link displays further information about the health test.
  • In the Health History panel:
    • Clicking displays the lists of health tests that contributed to the health history.
    • Clicking the Show link moves the time range to the historical time period.