Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Viewing Running and Recent Commands for a Service or Role

You can view running and recent commands for a service or role instance in the Commands tab.

For a selected service or role instance, the Commands tab shows which commands are running or have been run for that instance, and what the status, progress, and results are. For example, if you go to the HDFS service shortly after you have installed your cluster and look at the Commands tab, you will see recent commands that created the directories, started the HDFS role instances (the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNode instances), and the command that initially formatted HDFS on the NameNode. This information is useful if a service or role seems to be taking a long time to start up or shut down, or if services or roles are not running or do not appear to have been started correctly. You can view both the status and progress of currently running commands, as well as the status and results of commands run in the past.
  1. Click the Clusters tab on the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the service name to go to the Status tab for that service.
  3. For a role instance, click the Instances tab and select the role instance name to go to its Status tab.
  4. Click the Commands tab.