Managing Hive ACID table replication policies

After you create a replication policy, you can run the replication job, disable or delete the job, edit the policy configuration, or view the replication job history in Cloudera Manager.

  1. Go to the Replication > Replication Policies page.
  2. Select the required replication policy.
  3. Click Actions. The following options appear:
    • Show History to view the replication job history on the Replication History page.
    • Edit Configuration to edit the schedule of the replication policy.
    • Run Now to run the replication job.
    • Disable the selected replication job
    • Delete the selected replication job.
  4. The Replication History page shows the replication policy name, the replication policy type, the chosen source and destination clusters for the policy, and the next scheduled run.

    The page also shows the following statistics for each replication policy job:

    • Start Time of a replication policy job.
    • Duration or time taken to complete the job.
    • Outcome of the current job status.
    • Origin of collected Hive metrics. Click SOURCE or TARGET in the field to view the metrics for the replication job.
    • Total number of Tables to be replicated to the number of tables replicated successfully.
    • Functions column is incremented whenever a function is processed during dump and load operations.
    • Events column is incremented for every event dumped during dump operation and every event loaded during load operation. The counts for dump and load operation might not match because they are distinct operations.
When you schedule and submit a replication policy, the Next Run field shows the None scheduled message on the Replication Policies page. When the next run is scheduled, the date and time do not appear. You can ignore the None scheduled message as the replication job runs on Hive as scheduled or as per the schedule clause. Note that the schedules are managed by Hive. Cloudera Manager does not run any scheduled run.