Deploying a Flink application

This Getting Started guide walks you through how to deploy a Flink application on a Kubernetes cluster using the Cloudera Streaming Analytics - Kubernetes Operator.

What is Apache Flink?
Flink is a distributed processing engine and a scalable data analytics framework. You can use Flink to process data streams at a large scale and to deliver real-time analytical insights about your processed data with your streaming application.

Flink is designed to run in all common cluster environments, perform computations at in-memory speed and at any scale. Furthermore, Flink provides communication, fault tolerance, and data distribution for distributed computations over data streams. A large variety of enterprises choose Flink as a stream processing platform due to its ability to handle scale, stateful stream processing, and event time.

This Getting Started guide walks you through how to deploy a Flink application on a Kubernetes cluster using the Cloudera Streaming Analytics - Kubernetes Operator. The Getting Started guide uses the Flink Kubernetes Tutorial from the Flink tutorials public repository.

  1. Clone the Flink Tutorials repository, and build the tutorial Docker image that contains the built Flink JAR file.
    git clone -b CSA-OPERATOR-1.1.2
    cd flink-tutorials/flink-kubernetes-tutorial
    mvn clean package
    docker build -t flink-kubernetes-tutorial .
  2. Tag the tutorial image to attach the required information about the Docker registry that you will use in the next step.
    docker image tag flink-kubernetes-tutorial [***REGISTRY HOST***]:[***PORT***]/[***PROJECT***]/flink-kubernetes-tutorial:latest
  3. Push the newly tagged tutorial image to your Docker registry. This way the Kubernetes nodes can download the image from the (local or public) Docker registry.
    docker push [***REGISTRY HOST***]:[***PORT***]/[***PROJECT***]/flink-kubernetes-tutorial:latest
    You will see the Image successfully pushed message when the image is correctly pushed.
  4. Create the FlinkDeployment configuration file by saving the following example as flink-deployment.yaml. Make sure to set spec.image to the image that you have pushed in the previous step.
    kind: FlinkDeployment
      name: flink-kubernetes-tutorial
      image:  [***REGISTRY HOST***]:[***PORT***]/[***PROJECT***]/flink-kubernetes-tutorial:latest
      flinkVersion: v1_19
        taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: "4"
      serviceAccount: flink
      mode: native
          memory: "2048m"
          cpu: 1
          memory: "2048m"
          cpu: 1
        args: ["--rowsPerSec", "10"]
        jarURI: local:///opt/flink/usrlib/flink-kubernetes-tutorial.jar
        parallelism: 4
        state: running
        upgradeMode: stateless
  5. Run the Flink job by applying the FlinkDeployment configuration file to the cluster using the following command:
    kubectl -n flink apply -f flink-deployment.yaml

    The Flink Operator automatically recognizes the new resource and starts the execution of the Flink job, which is reflected by JOB STATUS switching to RUNNING:

    kubectl -n flink get FlinkDeployment
    NAME                        JOB STATUS   LIFECYCLE STATE
    flink-kubernetes-tutorial   RUNNING      STABLE
  6. Configure access to the Flink Dashboard at http://localhost:8081 (or IP address/domain name of your machine, if it differs from localhost) using port-forwarding with the following command:
    kubectl -n flink port-forward service/flink-kubernetes-tutorial-rest 8081:8081

    All requests to the http://localhost:8081 URL will be forwarded to the Flink service while the kubectl command is running. To stop the port-forwarding, exit the kubectl command by pressing CTRL+C.