Creating and managing CDE jobsPDF version

Configuring LDAP users

You must complete the following manual steps to prepare the cluster for each user that needs to submit jobs. Perform these steps for each user that needs to submit jobs to the virtual cluster.

In Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE), jobs are associated with virtual clusters. Before you can create a job, you must create a virtual cluster that can run it. For more information, see Creating virtual clusters.
  1. If you already downloaded the utility script and uploaded it to an ECS or HDFS gateway cluster host as documented in Creating virtual clusters, you can skip to step 8.
  2. Download to your local machine.
  3. Create a directory to store the files, and change to that directory:
    mkdir -p /tmp/cde-1.3.4 && cd /tmp/cde-1.3.4

  4. Embedded Container Service (ECS)

    Copy the extracted utility script ( to one of the Embedded Container Service (ECS) cluster hosts. To identify the ECS cluster hosts:

    1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager web interface.
    2. Go to Clusters > Experience Cluster > ECS > Hosts.
    3. Copy the script to one of the listed hosts manually.
    Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)

    Copy the extracted utility script ( and the OpenShift kubeconfig file to one of the HDFS service gateway hosts, and install the kubectl utility:

    1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager web interface.
    2. Go to Clusters > Base Cluster > HDFS > Instances.
    3. Copy the script to one of the Gateway hosts manually.
    4. Copy the OCP kubeconfig file to the same host.
    5. On that host, install the kubectl utility following the instructions in the Kubernetes documentation.
  5. On the cluster host that you copied the script to, set the script permissions to be executable:
    chmod +x /path/to/
  6. Identify the virtual cluster endpoint:
    1. In the Cloudera Manager web UI, go to the Experiences page, and then click Open CDP Private Cloud Experiences.
    2. Click the Data Engineering tile.
    3. Select the CDE service containing the virtual cluster you want to activate.
    4. Click Cluster Details.
    5. Click JOBS API URL to copy the URL to your clipboard.
    6. Paste the URL into a text editor to identify the endpoint host. For example, the URL is similar to the following:

      The endpoint host is

  7. On the ECS or HDFS gateway host, create a filename containing the user principal, and generate a keytab. If you do not have the ktutil utility, you might need to install the krb5-workstation package. The following example commands assume the user principal is psherman@EXAMPLE.COM
    1. Create a file named <username>.principal (for example, psherman.principal) containing the user principal:
    2. Generate a keytab named <username>.keytab for the user using ktutil:
      sudo ktutil
      ktutil:  addent -password -p psherman@EXAMPLE.COM -k 1 -e aes256-cts
      Password for psherman@EXAMPLE.COM:  
      ktutil:  addent -password -p psherman@EXAMPLE.COM -k 2 -e aes128-cts
      Password for psherman@EXAMPLE.COM: 
      ktutil:  addent -password -p psherman@EXAMPLE.COM -k 3 -e rc4-hmac
      Password for psherman@EXAMPLE.COM: 
      ktutil:  wkt psherman.keytab
      ktutil:  q
  8. Validate the keytab using klist and kinit:
    klist -ekt psherman.keytab 
    Keytab name: FILE:psherman.keytab
    KVNO Timestamp           Principal
    ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
       1 08/01/2021 10:29:47 psherman@EXAMPLE.COM (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96) 
       1 08/01/2021 10:29:47 psherman@EXAMPLE.COM (aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96) 
       1 08/01/2021 10:29:47 psherman@EXAMPLE.COM (arcfour-hmac) 
    kinit -kt psherman.keytab psherman@EXAMPLE.COM

    Make sure that the keytab is valid before continuing. If the kinit command fails, the user will not be able to run jobs in the virtual cluster. After verifying that the kinit command succeeds, you can destroy the Kerberos ticket by running kdestroy.

  9. Use the script to copy the user keytab to the virtual cluster hosts:
    ./ init-user-in-virtual-cluster -h <endpoint_host> -u <user> -p <principal_file> -k <keytab_file>
    For example, using the psherman user, for the endpoint host:
    ./ init-user-in-virtual-cluster -h -u psherman -p psherman.principal -k psherman.keytab
  10. Repeat these steps for all users that need to submit jobs to the virtual cluster.