Downloading summary status for Cloudera Data Engineering
This section describes how to download a summary status of a Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) Service in Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) using CDE UI.
To get a current snapshot of the current CDE infrastructure status (cloud resources, Kubernetes pod statuses, pod events and service metadata). This summary status, in the form of a ZIP file, is downloaded to your computer. This is available on both AWS and Azure environments.
Required Role: DEAdmin
After granting or revoking the role on the environment, run the Sync Users to FreeIPA environment action.
When you extract the Summary Status ZIP file that you downloaded from CDE UI, you can see the directories that contain files in JSON format.
Below is an example of format of the Zip file for Summary Status:
cde-service-diagnostics-{clusterID}-{timestamp}/ cluster.json # output from cluster describe cluster-events.json # output from get cluster events cloud-diagnostics.json # cloud resource status (RDS, EFS, EKS, LB, ...) instances/ {id}.json # output from instance id describe {id}-events.json # output from get instance id events kubernetes/ # kubernetes resource status for all relevant objects and namespaces nodes.json {namespace}/ namespace.json pods.json events.json deployments.json replicasets.json services.json daemonsets.json {namespace}/ namespace.json pods.json events.json deployments.json replicasets.json services.json daemonsets.json ...