Monitoring and Troubleshooting CDEPDF version

Cloudera Data Engineering log files

You can view logs for Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) using the web console, including CDE service logs, virtual cluster logs, and job logs.

To view logs for a CDE service or virtual cluster, click the three-dot menu for the service or virtual cluster, and then select View Logs. When the View Logs modal is displayed, you can download the logs or copy them to the clipboard by clicking the associated icon at the top right of the modal.

To view logs for a job run:

  1. From the CDE Overview page, select the CDE service for the job you want to troubleshoot.
  2. In the Virtual Clusters column, click the View Jobs icon for the cluster containing the job.
  3. Select the job you want to troubleshoot.
  4. In the Run History tab, click the Job ID for the job run you want to troubleshoot.
  5. Go to the Logs tab.
  6. Select the log you want to view using the Select log type drop-down menu and the log file tabs.
  7. To download the logs, click the Download menu button. You can download a text file of the currently displayed log, or download a zip file containing all log files.