Configuring and running Data Lake backups

The Data Lake provides a command line interface for managing Data Lake backup and restore operations. The system checks to make sure there isn't another backup or restore in progress.

Configure the backup

  • Create the S3, ABFS, or GCS backup location before performing the backup. For Azure, the container where the backup is stored should be in the same storage account as the Data Lake being backed up.
  • Shut down principal services (see Principal services). This will help avoid mismatches between Data Lake metadata and data used by workloads and mismatches among the metadata stored in the Data Lake.
  • Stop all Cloudera Data Hub clusters attached to the Data Lake before you perform any backup or restore operations.
  • Stop any Virtual Warehouses that are running.

Configuring backups for AWS:

  • Apply the IAM policy for Data Lake backup to the following roles:

      For more informaiton on IAM roles, see Minimal setup for cloud storage.

      In the IAM policy for Data Lake backup, be sure to replace the <BACKUP_BUCKET> variable with the backup location used.

Note that if you plan to restore the Data Lake backup that you are taking, you must also apply a restore policy to certain roles. For more information on restore see Configuring and running Data Lake restore.

Configuring RAZ for backup

This section applies only to RAZ-enabled AWS Data Lakes. For RAZ-enabled Azure Data Lakes, see the section below.

Add a RAZ policy to allow the backups to be written to and read from the backup location.

  • Open the Ranger UI.
  • Go to the cm_s3 policy list.
  • Add a new policy:
    • Policy name: backup_policy
    • S3 bucket: The bucket where backups will be stored
    • Path: The path(s) in the bucket where backup will be written

      Note: If more than one bucket will be used for backup, create a separate policy for each bucket.

  • Add read and write permissions for the atlas, hbase, hdfs, and solr users under “Allow Conditions.”

Configuring backups for Azure:

  • Verify that the following identities have the "Storage Blob Data Contributor" role on the container where the backup is stored:
    • Data Lake Admin identity
    • Ranger Audit Logger identity

Configuring RAZ for backup

This section applies only to RAZ-enabled Azure Data Lakes. For RAZ-enabled AWS Data Lakes, see the section above.

Add a RAZ policy to allow the backups to be written to and read from the backup location.

  • Open the Ranger UI.
  • Go to the cm_adls policy list.
  • Add a new policy:
    • Policy name: backup_policy
    • Storage Account: The storage account where backups will be stored
    • Storage Account Container: The container where backups will be stored
    • Path: The path(s) in the bucket where backup will be written
      Note: If more than one storage account or container will be used for backup, create a separate policy for each account/container.
  • Add read, write, list, delete, delete recursive, and move permissions for the atlas, hbase, hdfs, and solr users under “Allow Conditions."

Configuring backups for GCP:

Verify that the Ranger Audit Service account has the following required permissions:
  • resourcemanager.projects.get
  • resourcemanager.projects.list
  • storage.buckets.get
  • storage.objects.create
  • storage.objects.delete
  • storage.objects.get
  • storage.objects.getIamPolicy
  • storage.objects.list
  • storage.objects.setIamPolicy
  • storage.objects.update

Note that the Ranger Audit service account permissions listed above should be granted to a custom role, not the default Storage Object Admin role.

You should also modify the scope of the Data Lake Admin and Ranger Audit service accounts to include the Backups bucket, if the bucket is different from the main data storage bucket. For more information see Minimum setup for cloud storage.

Run the backup

  1. Log into a computer that has connectivity to the Data Lake host.
  2. Install the CDP CLI Client.
  3. Switch to a user account that has the environment admin role.
  4. Run a backup.
    Use the following command to run the Data Lake backup: $ cdp datalake backup-datalake --datalake-name <name> --backup-location <cloud storage location>
    Where the options are the following:
    Option Example Description
    --datalake-name finance-dl This is the name of the Data Lake as configured in the Cloudera environment. Required.
    --backup-location s3a://acme-finance-admin-bucket/backup-archiveor abfs://<container-name> The fully qualified name of the S3 bucket and object or ABFS location where the backup operation writes files. For S3 use the "S3a" file system protocol. Required.
    --backup-name pre-upgrade0420 An optional label that helps you identify one backup from another. The backup name can be used to identify a backup for restoring.
    --close-db-connections | --no-close-db-connections Specifies whether Ranger/HMS connections to the Data Lake should be closed or not during the backup. If you want to take the backup without workload downtime, use no-close-db-connections. Using this option means there could be changes to the Ranger/HMS data while the backup is performed. The connections are closed by default.
    --skip-validation | --no-skip-validation Using --skip-validation skips the validation that occurs before the backup process begins. This validation checks for required permissions that are often the source of backup/restore failures. See Backup and restore for the Data Lake for more details.
    --validation-only | --no-validation-only --validation-only runs the pre-backup and restore validation process, but does not proceed to the actual backup/restore operation. See Backup and restore for the Data Lake for more details.
    --skip-ranger-hms-metadata | --no-skip-ranger-hms-metadata Skips the backup of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, the HMS/Ranger services are backed up by default.
    --skip-atlas-metadata | --no-skip-atlas-metadata Skips the backup of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, the Atlas metadata is backed up by default.
    --skip-ranger-audits | --no-skip-ranger-audits Skips the backup of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, Ranger audits are backed up by default.

    For backups, the --skip-ranger-hms-metadata and --skip-atlas-metadata flags cannot be used at the same time.

    On AWS:

    $ cdp datalake backup-datalake --datalake-name finance-dl 
         --backup-location s3a://acme-finance-admin-bucket/backup-archive 
         --backup-name pre-upgrade0420

    On Azure:

    $ cdp datalake backup-datalake --datalake-name my-datalake 
          --backup-location abfs://<container-name>

    On GCP:

    $ cdp datalake backup-datalake --datalake-name my-datalake —backup-location gs://<bucket-name>/backup

    The output of the command shows the current status of the operation. Note the internal state shows the status of each separate backup operation. If any of the individual backups fail, the overall status is failed and the backup cannot be restored. (Line breaks added for readability.)

        "accountId": "9d74eee4-1cad-45d7-b654-7ccf9edbb73d",
        "backupId": "415927d9-9f7d-4d42-8000-71630e5938ca",
        "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
        "startTIme": "2021-04-20 20:10:16.567"
        "endTIme": "2021-04-20 20:10:45.341"
        "backupName": "pre-upgrade0420"
        "failureReason": ""
To see the status of the backup after the initial command, see Checking the status of a Data Lake backup.