Backup and restore for the Data Lake
You can backup and restore the metadata maintained in the Data Lake services. Use this comprehensive backup to restore your Data Lake’s metadata to the state it was at when the backup was taken.
The backup and restore operation creates a comprehensive backup that improves the likelihood of data in the backup to be synchronized across all the services running in the Data Lake.
Required role: EnvironmentAdmin
- in preparation for a Data Lake upgrade.
- for archiving Data Lake content for later reference.
- to promote Data Lake content from test to production.
There will be a downtime when a Data Lake backup is performed, as some Data Lake
services will be stopped. Additionally, access to the HMS database will be blocked by default
for the duration of the backup, but you can optionally bypass this using the CLI option
when you run the backup. This option allows Data
Hub workloads to continue running during the Data Lake backup process. See Configuring
and running Data Lake backups for more information.
Important: Data lake backup/restore operations should be performed when the Data Lake
is quiescent. In order to have a consistent backup Cloudera recommends that no workloads are
running when the backup is performed. In order to make sure there are no updates to HMS, the
backup and restore process closes all the connections to the HMS backend database. This is
important for migration use cases where you would like to move metadata from one environment
to another. However, you are not required to stop the Data Hub workloads before performing
backup. If you want to keep Data Hubs running during a backup, you must keep the HMS database
connections open to the Data Lake using the no-close-db-connnections
option. If the database connections are closed, Data Hub workloads will fail.
Note that a Data Lake Backup includes metadata about your cluster workloads and does not include the data itself.
At this time, you can trigger a Data Lake backup through a CDP command-line operation from any host with connectivity to the Data Lake. The system checks to make sure there isn't another backup or restore in progress.
What's backed up?
The backup operation saves a full snapshot of data from all SDX services:
- Atlas:
- Audit events, saved in HBase tables
- Lineage data, saved as Janus graph data in HBase tables
- Edge, vertex, and full text indexes, saved in Solr collections
- Ranger:
- Audit logs, saved as a Solr collection
- Permissions and tags, saved in RDBMS tables
HMS Metadata, saved in RDBMS tables
How do I keep the backup secure?
The backup files are stored on AWS S3, ADLS, or Google Cloud Storage with encryption enabled.
How often should backups run?
You can run backups as part of these events:
- Upgrades: a backup can be performed before performing an upgrade. This backup can be used to restore the existing environment or create a new environment in case the upgrade fails in a manner that requires you to re-build the original environment.
- Moving the Data Lake metadata (Atlas lineages, Ranger policies and audit information, and HMS metadata) from one environment to another.
When backups are taken, there is downtime for principal services (see "Principal services" below) due to the requirement to shut down HMS service on any attached Data Hubs.
Is there any validation that occurs before the backup/restore operations?
Yes. Before a backup or restore operation begins, a validation process checks for the most common causes of a backup or restore failure. These validations include verifying that the required permissions are granted on the backup location with the cloud provider (AWS and Azure) and that the required Ranger RAZ permissions are granted on the backup location. For the backup operation only, the validation process also checks if there are any stale Ranger Audit permissions that are over 90 days old.
You can use CLI commands when you run the backup/restore operations to skip the validation process, or run the validation process without proceeding to the backup/restore operations. See Configuring and running Data Lake backups and Configuring and running Data Lake restore for more information.
Data Lake Restore vs Repair
Data Lake repair replaces the compute resources and reconnects them to the persistent Data Lake storage. Data Lake restore replaces the existing Data Lake content with content from a Data Lake backup.
Principal services
- On the Data Lake:
- Atlas
- HMS Services on any attached Data Hub.
When a backup is performed, the Atlas service is stopped. The HMS service will be impacted
if the "--no-close-db-connections
" option is not provided.
Dependent services
- HBase
- Solr
- ZooKeeper
- Databases services (e.g. Postgres)
Other considerations
Do not stop or restart Data Lake services in Cloudera Manager if you are planning on running backup or restore operations. If you stop or restart Data Lake services from Cloudera Manager, such as restarting all services, or restarting the HBase or Solr services, Data Lake backup and restore operations from the CLI will be allowed to go forward, but may fail.
In order to have a consistent backup Cloudera recommends that no workloads are running when
the backup is performed. In order to make sure there are no updates to HMS, the backup and
restore process closes all the connections to the HMS backend database. This is important
for migration use cases where you would like to move metadata from one environment to
another. However, you are not required to stop the Data Hubs attached to a Data Lake before
performing backup. If you want to keep Data Hubs running during a backup and restore
operation, you must keep the HMS database connections open to the Data Lake using the
CLI option. If the database connections are
closed, Data Hub workloads will fail.
You should stop all Data Hubs before performing a restore operation; a running Data Hub will prevent restore from functioning, and may result in inconsistent data in the backup.
What's supported?
Support for AWS | Runtime 7.2.1 and above |
Support for Azure | Runtimes 7.2.2 and above |
Support for GCP | Runtimes 7.2.15 and above |
Support for Backup and restore across Data Lakes with different shapes For example, a backup taken on a light duty Data Lake can be used to restore a medium duty Data Lake. |
Runtimes 7.2.8 and above |
Support for RAZ-enabled Data Lakes | Runtimes 7.2.10 and above |
Support for Runtimes 7.1.0 and 7.2.0 |
Data Lake backup only writes to HDFS on the Data Lake. The backup should be moved to and from cloud storage using the provided procedures. Contact Cloudera Support for more information. |
Cross-version support (Restoring a backup taken from a different version of Cloudera Runtime) | You can take a backup of a Data Lake that runs one version of Cloudera Runtime and restore the backup to a Data Lake that runs a different version of Runtime. The backup version must be an earlier/lower version Runtime than the Data Lake that you are restoring to. Version limitations apply and a Ranger/HMS schema upgrade may be required. See Cross-version support for Data Lake backup and restore for more details. |
What's not supported?
Backup and restore across different cloud providers is not supported |
Example: Restoring a backup of an AWS Data Lake to an Azure Data Lake, or an Azure Data Lake to an AWS Data Lake is not supported. |
Recovery for individual settings or pieces of metadata. | Example: Recovering just the Hive SQL Ranger policies from a given backup, or recovering just the HMS metadata of a particular database. |
Point in Time Recovery of data synced with metadata | A restore will only recover HMS metadata and will apply that to the existing data used by the Data Hubs of the environment. This means that HMS metadata may not be in sync with the data. |
Limitations in the backup and restore system
- With Cloudera Runtime 7.2.1, the initial backup on AWS may be written to an S3 bucket. All subsequent backups must be written to the same bucket as the initial backup. This limitation does not exist for later runtime versions.