Registering a recipe

In order to use your recipe for clusters, you must first register it with the Cloudera Management Console.

Required role: EnvironmentCreator can create a shared resource and then assign users to it.

SharedResourceUser or Owner of the shared resource can use the resource.

If you are using Cloudera with a proxy, note that the Cloudera proxy settings do not apply to cluster recipes. If you planning to use the recipes, then you can set the proxy settings manually. You can find the proxy settings in the /etc/cdp/proxy.env file.
  1. Place your script in a network location accessible from Management Console and from the virtual network in which your clusters are located.
  2. Log in to the Cloudera web interface.
  3. Navigate to Shared Resources > Recipes and click Register Recipe.
  4. Provide the following:
    Parameter Value
    Name Enter a name for your recipe.
    Description (Optional) Enter a description for your recipe.
    Execution Type Select one of the following options:
    • pre-service-deployment (formerly pre-cluster-manager-start): During a Cloudera Data Hub, Data Lake, or environment deployment, the script will be executed on every node (in the host group where you assigned the recipe) before the Cloudera Manager server starts.
    • post-cluster-manager-start: During a Cloudera Data Hub or Data Lake deployment, the script will be executed on every node (in the host group where you assigned the recipe) after the Cloudera Manager server starts, but before cluster installation. This option is not available for FreeIPA recipes.
    • post-service-deployment (formerly post-cluster-install):: The script will be executed on every node (in the host group where you assigned the recipe) after cluster installation on the Cloudera Manager server is finished.
    • pre-termination: The script will be executed on every node (in the host group where you assigned the recipe) before cluster termination.
    Script Select one of:
    • File: Point to a file on your machine that contains the recipe.
    • Text: Paste the script.
  5. Click Register.
  • When you create a Cloudera Data Hub cluster, you can select a previously added recipe on the advanced Cluster Extensions page of the create cluster wizard.
  • When you create an environment, you can select a previously added recipe on the Data Access and Data Lake Scaling page of the environment creation wizard, under Advanced Options > Cluster Extensions > Recipes.
  • When you create an environment, you can select a previously added FreeIPA recipe on the Region, Networking, and Security page of the environment creation wizard, under Advanced Options > Cluster Extensions > Recipes.
  • You can also attach recipes to Cloudera Data Hub or Data Lake clusters when you create an environment/Data Lake or Cloudera Data Hub cluster through the CDP CLI.