Release NotesPDF version

July 20, 2023

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

A new Data Lake shape called the enterprise Data Lake is now available for new deployments of Cloudera Runtime version 7.2.17. The enterprise Data Lake is a redefined version of medium duty Data Lakes that still offer failure resilience, but utilize resources and allocate memory more efficiently than a medium duty Data Lake at the same cost. For more information see Data Lake scale.

Medium duty Data Lakes are deprecated as of Runtime 7.2.17. You can upgrade a medium duty Data Lake from 7.2.16 to 7.2.17, but will not be able to upgrade it further. You can create a new 7.2.17 medium duty Data Lake through the CDP CLI, but Cloudera recommends using the enterprise Data Lake for new deployments. The ability to create medium duty Data Lakes will be removed from both the UI and CLI from 7.2.18.