GCP EnvironmentsPDF version

Environment status options

This topic lists all possible environment status options for the UI and CLI and explains what they mean.

Environment status Description
Environment creation
CREATION_INITIATED Environment creation request was registered in the database and Cloudera is starting the environment creation flow.
ENVIRONMENT_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS Setting up the region and network metadata (public/private and cidr).
ENVIRONMENT_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS Setting up the region and network metadata (public/private and cidr).
NETWORK_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS If the user chose the create new network option, then Cloudera creates the network on cloud provider side.
PUBLICKEY_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS If the user choose the create new SSH key option, then Cloudera creates the SSH key on cloud provider side.
FREEIPA_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS Creating the FreeIPA resources for an environment.
Environment update
UPDATE_INITIATED Environment update was requested and Cloudera is starting the update flow (network update, load balancer update, SSH key update).
Environment deletion
DELETE_INITIATED Environment deletion request was registered and Cloudera is starting the deletion flow.
NETWORK_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS If the user chose the create new network option, then Cloudera deletes the network on cloud provider side.
PUBLICKEY_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS If the user choosing the create new SSH key option, then Cloudera deletes the SSH key on cloud provider side.
FREEIPA_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting the FreeIPA resources for an environment.
EXPERIENCE_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting all the attached clusters (Cloudera Data Warehouse, Cloudera AI, and so on).
RDBMS_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting all the provisioned RDS instances that are related to an environment.
CLUSTER_DEFINITION_DELETE_PROGRESS Deleting all the cluster definitions that are created for an environment.
UMS_RESOURCE_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting all the related UMS resources for an environment.
IDBROKER_MAPPINGS_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting all the IBroker mapping for an environment.
S3GUARD_TABLE_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting all the Dynamo DB tables for an environment.
DATAHUB_CLUSTERS_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting all the attached Cloudera Data Hub clusters.
DATALAKE_CLUSTERS_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS Deleting the attached Data Lake cluster.
ARCHIVED Environment has been deleted (not shown on the UI).
Environment is running
AVAILABLE Environment is available (ready to use).
Environment process failed
CREATE_FAILED Environment creation failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
DELETE_FAILED Environment deletion failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
UPDATE_FAILED Environment update failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
Environment stop
STOP_DATAHUB_STARTED Stopping all the Cloudera Data Hub clusters in an environment.
STOP_DATAHUB_FAILED Stopping all the Cloudera Data Hub clusters in an environment failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
STOP_DATALAKE_STARTED Stopping the Data Lake cluster in an environment.
STOP_DATALAKE_FAILED Stopping the Data Lake cluster in an environment failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
STOP_FREEIPA_STARTED Stopping the FreeIPA instances in an environment.
STOP_FREEIPA_FAILED Stopping the FreeIPA instances in an environment failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
ENV_STOPPED Environment was successfully stopped.
Environment start
START_DATAHUB_STARTED Starting all the Cloudera Data Hub clusters in an environment.
START_DATAHUB_FAILED Starting all the Cloudera Data Hub clusters in an environment failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
START_DATALAKE_STARTED Starting the Data Lake cluster in an environment.
START_DATALAKE_FAILED Starting the Data Lake cluster in an environment failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
START_FREEIPA_STARTED Starting all the FreeIPA instances in an environment.
START_FREEIPA_FAILED Starting all the FreeIPA instances failed in an environment (Detailed message in the statusReason).
START_SYNCHRONIZE_USERS_STARTED Starting user sync for all the clusters in an environment.
START_SYNCHRONIZE_USERS_FAILED Starting user sync for all the clusters in an environment failed (Detailed message in the statusReason).
FreeIPA instance deletion
FREEIPA_DELETED_ON_PROVIDER_SIDE The FreeIPA instance has been deleted on cloud provider side.
Load balancer
LOAD_BALANCER_ENV_UPDATE_STARTED Start updating the LoadBalancer on Data Lake in an environment.
LOAD_BALANCER_ENV_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to update the LoadBalancer on Data Lake in an environment (Detailed message in the statusReason).
LOAD_BALANCER_STACK_UPDATE_STARTED Start updating the LoadBalancer on Cloudera Data Hub clusters in an environment.
LOAD_BALANCER_STACK_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to update the LoadBalancer on Cloudera Data Hub clusters in an environment (Detailed message in the statusReason).