Azure EnvironmentsPDF version

Suspending and resuming Compute Clusters

You can suspend and resume your default and additional Compute Clusters in an environment to manage your cloud costs using CDP CLI.

  • Ensure that the environment is started and available.
  • Ensure that there are no Data Service workload instances running in the Compute Cluster.

Required resource role: EnvironmentAdmin or Owner

  1. Run the following command to suspend the Compute Cluster:
    cdp compute suspend-cluster --cluster-crn [***CLUSTER CRN***]
    After running the command, the cluster status changes to SUSPENDING, and will progress to SUSPENDED once the operation completes. The status of the cluster can be polled using describe-cluster command:
    cdp compute describe-cluster --cluster-crn [***CLUSTER CRN***]
  2. Run the following command to resume the Compute Cluster with SUSPENDED status:
    cdp compute resume-cluster --cluster-crn [***CLUSTER CRN***]
    After running the command, the cluster status changes to RESUMING, and will progress to RUNNING status once the operation completes.