Troubleshooting for RAZ-enabled Azure environment
This section includes FAQs, and discusses some common errors that might occur while using a RAZ-enabled Azure environment and the steps to resolve the issues.
How do I view logs and RAZ configuration in a RAZ-enabled Azure environment?
You can use the following methods to view logs and RAZ configuration in a RAZ-enabled Azure environment:
- To view RAZ server logs, perform the following steps:
- Identify the host on which the RAZ service is installed in Cloudera Manager.
- SSH to log into the RAZ server.
- Locate the ranger-raz-[***host-name***]-*-rangerraz.log file in the /var/log/ranger/raz/ directory.
- To view the RAZ client logs, go to the respective component logs.
RAZ authorization is triggered when a Cloudera on cloud service accesses the ADLS storage through the HDFS client layer. The logs related to these calls are stored by the respective service or component logs.
The following table lists some services and the RAZ client log location:Service RAZ client log location HiveServer2 /var/log/hive/ folder. The associated HS2 and HMS logs in this directory provide the details about the Apache RAZ client calls.
YARN MapReduce
Hive on Tez
After the job run, you can locate the RAZ client logs in the corresponding application log. The Resource Manager creates the application log. You can access the logs through Resource Manager or use YARN command line tools.
- To view RAZ server configuration, perform the following steps:
- Identify the host on which the RAZ service is installed in Cloudera Manager.
- SSH to log into the RAZ server.
- Run the
ps -ef | grep rangerraz | awk '{split($0, array,"classpath"); print array[2]}' | cut -d: -f1
command to identify the RAZ_CONF_DIR directory. - Run the
cat [***RAZ_CONF_DIR***]/ranger-raz-site.xml
command to view the RAZ server configuration details.
How do I enable the debug level for RAZ server and RAZ client?
When you enable the DEBUG level for RAZ server and RAZ client, a detailed verbose log is generated. Alternatively, you can only enable debug on a package level, so that only the package logs show detailed verbose logs.
- To configure debug for RAZ server at package level, perform the
following steps:
- Go to the tab.
- Search for the Ranger Raz Server Logging Advanced
Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) property
property, and enter the following information:
- Click Save Changes.
- Restart the Ranger RAZ service.
- You can configure the DEBUG level for RAZ clients.
For example, to view the HDFS log in DEBUG level, run the
HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER=DEBUG,console hdfs [***options***] [***arguments***]
Is there a checklist to refer while troubleshooting RAZ-enabled Azure environments?
You can use the following brief checklist to help you to troubleshoot RAZ-enabled environments:
- Is Hierarchical NameSpace enabled for ADLS Gen2?
- Does the Ranger RAZ managed identity have the Storage Blob Delegator and Storage Blob Data Owner roles?
- Does the RAZ-enabled Azure environment use a zone-redundant storage (ZRS)?
- Are the Ranger Admin cloud policies (cm_adls) created with the correct storage account & paths based on the corresponding environment?
- Do you have sufficient permissions in Ranger Admin cloud policies (cm_adls) in the corresponding environment?
- Can the RAZ servers in Data Lake and workload clusters download Ranger policies from the Ranger Admin UI?
- Can the RAZ servers in Data Lake and workload clusters download Ranger UserStore?
- Can the RAZ servers in Data Lake and workload clusters connect to IDBroker and download the UserDelegationKey?
What are the most common errors in RAZ-enabled Azure environments?
Error and error location | Cause and Solution |
Failed to communicate with Ranger Admin and Error getting UserStore errors appear in RAZ Server logs. | These errors appear when the RAZ server cannot download
the latest version of the user-store (user information)
because the Ranger Admin service cannot reach the RAZ server
host. To resolve this issue, verify whether the Ranger Admin service is up and reachable from the RAZ server host. If not, fix the connectivity issue. |
AbfsTokenProvider: IdBroker initialization failed error appears in RAZ Server logs. | This error appears when the RAZ server cannot connect to
IDBroker to obtain the UserDelegationKey that is used for
authorizing requests in ADLS paths. To resolve this issue, verify whether IDBroker is up and reachable for the RAZ server host. If not, fix the connectivity issue. |
DTAwsCredentialsProvider failed when trying to get token from idbroker, or AbfsTokenProvider: ==> AbfsTokeProvider.fetchUserDelegationKey and fetchAccessToken(): null response received from IDBroker errors appear in RAZ Server logs. | These errors appear when the RAZ server cannot connect to
IDBroker to obtain the UserDelegationKey that is used for
authorizing requests in S3 paths. To resolve this issue, verify whether IDBroker is up and reachable for the RAZ server host. If not, fix the connectivity issue. |
Failed to communicate with all Raz URLs, Verify that the URLs are correct and corresponding services are running & accessible, and Multiple service types are not supported messages appear in RAZ client logs. | This issue appears when the RAZ server setup fails
because the
property in the ranger-raz-site.xml
file has multiple service-types such as
adls, s3
that are not supported. To resolve this issue, configure the ranger.raz.bootstrap.servicetypes property in the ranger-raz-site.xml file to the required cluster type, remove the other service types, and save the file. For example, enter s3 for AWS cluster type and enter adls for Azure cluster type. |
Server did not process this request due to in-sufficient auth details, Failed to acquire a SAS token… AccessControlException:, HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized appear in RAZ client logs. | These error messages appear when the RAZ server denies
the authorization request because no or incomplete
authentication details are available. To resolve this issue, you must ensure that the Ranger RAZ server has Kerberos or RAZ-DT & JWT authentication. You must have a valid TGT when the RAZ server supports Kerberos authentication. |
Failed to get DSAS token from Raz, HttpStatus: 403, Failed to acquire a SAS token … : Permission denied messages appear in RAZ client logs. | These errors might appear because of various reasons, the
following are a few possible causes and solutions:
How do I generate a UserDelegationKey manually?
Perform the following steps to generate a UserDelegationKey manually:
How do I download RAZ policies manually?
You can perform the following steps to download the RAZ policies manually: