April 20, 2021
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:
Cluster Definitions page was moved to environment details
The Cluster Definitions page that used to be available in the Shared Resources section
was removed. Instead, you can access all cluster definitions related to a specific environment
from the Cluster Definitions tab available in the environment's details. You can save new
cluster definitions using the Save As New Definition option available from the Create
Data Hub wizard or from CDP CLI using the cdp datahub create-cluster-definition
Ranger Audit environment parameter was moved to Data Access section
The option to specify the Ranger Audit role (AWS) managed identity (Azure) or service account (GCP) during environment registration was moved from the Logs - Storage and Audit section to the Data Access section. Consequently, these sections were renamed to Logs and Data Access and Audit.
You can select specific nodes to repair within a Data Lake host group
From the Hardware tab of the Data Lake details, you can click the Repair icon to select specific nodes within a host group to repair.
Updated IAM policy for the provisioning credential for AWS
cloudformation:UpdateStack cloudformation:ListStackResources elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets
If you are using a restricted IAM policy for your provisioning credential, you must add these additional permissions.