Reserved group names
There are certain group names that are reserved and therefore cannot be used in Cloudera. This applies to groups synchronized from your identity provider as well as groups created directly from Cloudera.
If you attempt to synchronize or register a group with a reserved name, you will get an error
including the following
Invalid group name Name cannot be a reserved group name
To avoid problems, review the following list and avoid synchronising or creating groups with the following names.
The following group names are reserved:
- accumulo
- admins
- atlas
- cruisecontrol
- dpprofiler
- druid
- editors
- flink
- flume
- h2o
- hbase
- hdfs
- hive
- httpfs
- hue
- impala
- ipausers
- kafka
- keytrustee
- kms
- knox
- kudu
- livy
- mapred
- nifi
- nifiregistry
- oozie
- phoenix
- ranger
- rangerraz
- schemaregistry
- sentry
- solr
- spark
- sqoop
- sqoop2
- streamsmsgmgr
- streamsrepmgr
- tez
- trust admins
- yarn
- yarn-ats
- zeppelin
- zookeeper