December 21, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features and behavioral changes:
New functionality
- Data Lake metadata backup and restore: You can backup and restore the metadata maintained in the Data Lake services. Data Lake backup and restore is supported from Cloudera Runtime 7.2.1+ on AWS and Cloudera Runtime 7.2.2+ on Azure. See Backup and restore for the Data Lake.
Changed functionality
- The option to set tenant-level tags was moved from Environments > Shared Resources > Tags to a new location under Global Settings > Tags.
- The option to enable workload analytics and deployments cluster logs collection on a tenant-level was moved from Environments > Shared Resources > Telemetry to a new location under Global Settings > Telemetry.
New documentation
Updated documentation
Deprecated functionality
The following account roles are deprecated:
- EnvironmentAdmin
- EnvironmentUser
November 20, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features and behavioral changes:
New documentation
Updated documentation
- Updated requirements for Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- IAM role and managed identity setup for access to cloud storage was updated to grant the IDBROKER_ROLE or Assumer identity the same permissions as the LOG_ROLE or Logger identity, allowing IDBroker to write to logs storage location. See updated Minimal setup for cloud storage (AWS) and Minimal setup for cloud storage (Azure).
- CDP CLI, API, and SDK documentation was moved out of the Management Console library and is now available from the general CDP Public Cloud library. See CDP APIs, CDP CLI and CDP SDK.
October 27, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features and behavioral changes:
New features
New documentation
Updated documentation
- Register an AWS environment - Reflects updated environment wizard
- Register an Azure environment - Reflects updated environment wizard
September 24, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features and behavioral changes:
New features
- cdpcurl utility: The cdpcurl utility has been released to open source. This provides curl-like access to the Management Console API as another alternative to the CDP CLI.
Behavioral changes
- The option to stop and restart a Data Lake was removed. You should stop and restart your whole environment instead, as described in Stop and restart an environment.
- The option to delete a Data Lake was removed from the Actions menu on the environment details page. When deleting an environment from the CDP UI, you no longer need to delete the environment's Data Lake separately. See updated Delete an environment documentation.
- The option to Check for Data Lake Upgrade was removed.
- The options to Enable Workload Analytics and Enable Cluster Logs Collection were removed from the Actions menu on the environments details page. You can now control these options from the Management Console > Environments > Shared Resources > Telemetry (tenant-level setting), or you can set them during environment registration (environment-level setting). For updated instructions, see Enable workload analytics and cluster logs collection.
- The option to Get FreeIPA certificate were removed from the environment's Actions menu and is now available from FreeIPA's Actions menu. To find the option, navigate to the Management Console > Environments > navigate to a specific environment > Summary > FreeIPA > Actions > Get FreeIPA certificate.
New documentation
- Performing user sync
- Configuring Azure Active Directory identity federation in CDP
- VNet and subnet planning for Azure
- Supported AWS regions includes an updated list of AWS regions where Cloudera AI can be deployed
- Supported Azure regions includes an updated list of Azure regions where Cloudera AI can be deployed
- Default security group settings for Azure
August 24, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
SSH key management
A Power User can add and delete SSH keys for all users and users can add and delete their own SSH keys. For more information, see Managing SSH keys.
Choose Data Lake version at deployment
When deploying an environment, you can now select the Data Lake version. See updated instructions for Register an AWS environment and Register an Azure environment..
Edit parameters of a previously deployed environment
You can edit the following environment components:
- Add new subnets: See Add subnets to an environment.
- Add new security groups: See Add security groups to an environment.
- Add a new root SSH key: See Add root SSH key to an environment.
July 31, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
CDP Control Plane Public API Reference
CDP Control Plane now features reference information for APIs located at CDP Control Plane Public API Documentation.You can use this reference documentation to look up descriptions and syntax for SDK functions and CLI commands.
June 30, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
Groups sync disabled by default
When you create a Group in CDP, the Sync Membership flag is now off by default. This will eliminate the situation when users would be removed from a CDP group if they weren’t part of the same group in the ID Provider.
Support for HDP 2.6.x Classic Clusters using CCM
Support for registering Classic clusters using the reverse SSH mechanism is extended to legacy HDP 2.6.x clusters. This will be behind the CLASSIC_CLUSTERS entitlement.
Auditing Control Plane activity
Auditing is used to collect or log evidence of activity in a system that auditors can use to both track and analyze to answer questions such as: Who made a change to the system? When did a change happen? What exactly changed? Why was a change authorized?
May 30, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
Edit subnets
You can now add new subnets to the configuration of a running environment. This might be useful when you add a new service such as Cloudera AI and Clouder Data Warehouse (CDW) which require their own subnet.
Improvements in Data Hub cluster scaling
A number of significant improvements were made to properly clean up cloud resources for scaling up and down Data Hub clusters. This will reduce cloud costs that would have been incurred by any orphaned instances.
April 27, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
Support for connecting to private subnets
CDP supports communicating with Data Lake and Data Hub workload clusters that are on private subnets. environments in Azure.
You can use Cluster Connectivity Manager (CCM) to communicate with Data Lake and Data Hub workload clusters that are on private subnets. Communication takes place over private IPs without any inbound network access rules required. CDP requires that these clusters have outbound connections to AWS NLBs hosted in Cloudera's AWS account. Workload clusters initiate an SSH tunnel to the CDP control plane, which is then used for all communication thereafter.
Proxy server (technical preview)
Proxy server works with DataLake and Datahub in both transparent and non-transparent mode. The proxy server works with Cloudera AI and Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) in transparent mode only. Proxy server does not currently work with Cloudera AI and CDW in non-transparent proxy mode.
You can use a proxy server to control the connections that are allowed from your VPC or VNet and prevent unattended connections initiated from your environment.
April 6, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
Tagging CDP resources
When you create an environment or other resources shared across your cloud provider account, CDP automatically adds default tags to the Cloudera-created resources in your cloud provider account. You can also define additional custom tags at either the environment level or tenant level.
February 28, 2020
This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:
Creating environments in Azure
CDP supports creating environments in Azure.
Register your Azure account and then launch Data Hub clusters, Data Warehouse clusters, and Cloudera AI workbenches within the Azure environment and determine which users have access to which resources. These clusters are attached to a Data Lake that runs within the environment and provides security and governance for all attached clusters.