Release NotesPDF version

September 27, 2022

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

Newly deployed Data Lake and Data Hub clusters with Cloudera Runtime 7.2.7 or above are now configured to use a PostgreSQL version 11 database by default.

A new Database Upgrade capability is now available for existing Data Lake and Data Hub clusters. If you are running clusters on Cloudera Runtime version 7.2.6 or below, upgrade to a more recent version before performing the database upgrade.

The major version of the database used by Data Lake or Data Hub clusters is now also displayed on the Database page of the respective service.

Cloudera strongly recommends that the Database Upgrade is performed on all clusters running PostgreSQL version 10 before November 10, 2022.

For more information, see Upgrading database to Postgres 11

You can register and attach recipes to run on a specific FreeIPA host group. For more information, see Recipes.

The following recipe types have been renamed for Data Hub, Data Lake, and FreeIPA recipes:
  • pre-service-deployment (formerly pre-cluster-manager-start)
  • post-service-deployment (formerly post-cluster-install)

These changes will not affect existing recipe automation.