Azure Fine-grained Access ControlPDF version

Configuring Data Mart for RAZ-enabled Azure environment

The Data Mart template provides a ready to use, fully capable, standalone deployment of Impala. To use a Data Mart cluster in a RAZ-enabled Azure environment, you need to configure additional Data Mart configuration steps in the Data Mart for Azure cluster definition.

  1. Log in to the Cloudera Manager for the Data Mart.
  2. Select Impala > Configuration, and then set the value of the Impala Daemon Data Cache Per Directory Capacity property to 10 GB.

    This property must be set to avoid the following Impala Daemon start failure:

    F0615 07:11:40.206655 62270] Insufficient space for /hadoopfs/fs1/impala/datacache. 
    Required 130.00 GB. Only 29.53 GB is available
    . Impalad exiting.
  3. Create a Ranger ALDS policy in the cm_adls service with the following properties:
    Note that the following property values are sample values. You can enter the values as required for your environment.
    • Storage Account *= mpdsasv2san

    • Storage Account Container * = data

    • Relative Path * = /

    • Recursive = ON

    • User = impala

    • Permissions = read, add, create, write, delete, list, move, superuser

    This policy must be created to avoid the following failure:

    E0615 07:58:02.019865 71092] Could not read the root directory at abfs:// Error was:
    Failed to acquire a SAS token for list on / due to org.apache.ranger.raz.intg.RangerRazException: request failed: status=403
  4. Restart the Impala service in Cloudera Manager, then verify that the Ranger Azure authorization is working as expected.

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