October 29, 2024
This release of the Cloudera Management Console service introduces the following changes:
Azure Single Server to Azure Flexible Server upgrade
Single Server on Microsoft Azure databases used by Data Lakes and Cloudera Data Hub clusters can now be upgraded to Azure Flexible Server. During the upgrade process from PosgtreSQL version 11 to PostgreSQL 14, Azure Single Server will be upgraded to Azure Flexible Server. For more information, see Upgrading Azure Single Server to Flexible Server.
Compute Cluster enabled environments
- You can provide the Worker Node Subnets for compute cluster enabled environments on AWS and Azure
- You can provide the AKS Private DNS Zone ID for compute cluster enabled environments on Azure
New configuration property for non-transparent proxy
Inbound Proxy CIDR has been introduced for configuring non-transparent proxy in Cloudera environments to allow communication with the Kubernetes server when defining the proxy with FQDNs.
For more information, see Using a non-transparent proxy.
Receiving resource notifications
Notifications include automatically generated service and resource related alerts, such as cluster state changes and events, upgrade alerts, resource exhaustion and consumption notifications. Notifications can be received by users of a tenant who have subscribed to the resource events of a Cloudera service.
For more information, see the Receiving notifications documentation.