September 26, 2024
This release of the Cloudera Management Console service introduces the following changes:
Receiving announcements
You can subscribe to receive announcements and notifications in Cloudera on cloud about various events from product updates to data service specific alerts. Announcements include product related announcements that can include updates related to End of Life (EOL), End of Support (EOS), Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs), and maintenance updates.
For more information, see the Receiving notifications documentation.
Compute Cluster enabled environments
Compute Clusters enable you to deploy a containerized platform on Kubernetes for Data Services and shared services. The Compute Cluster architecture offers simplified management, enhanced efficiency, and centralized control that leads to faster deployments, reduced configuration errors and improved system reliability. As multiple Data Services can optionally share the same Compute Cluster, it also lowers the cost of ownership.
For more information, see Using compute cluster enabled environments on AWS and Using compute cluster enabled environments on Azure.