Switching image catalogs
You can switch the image catalog of an already existing Data Hub, Data Lake, or FreeIPA cluster. You may want to switch the image catalog for a cluster in order to restrict which Runtime version can be upgraded to, or in order to move to custom images for an existing cluster.
Use the following CDP CLI commands to switch the image catalog for an existing cluster:
- FreeIPA:
cdp environments set-catalog --environment $ENVIRONMENT_NAME --catalog $CATALOG
Parameter Description --environment Name or CRN of the environment that holds the FreeIPA installation. --catalog URL of the FreeIPA catalog to be used. - Data
cdp datahub set-catalog --cluster $DATAHUB_NAME --catalog-name $CATALOG
Parameter Description --cluster Name or CRN of the Data Hub for which you want to use the new image catalog. --catalog-name Name of the image catalog to be used. The image catalog must be a JSON based catalog, and switching is only possible from catalogs that are JSON based. - Data
cdp datalake set-catalog --datalake $DATALAKE_NAME --catalog-name $CATALOG
Parameter Description --datalake Name of the Data Lake for which you want to use the new image catalog. --catalog-name Name of the image catalog to be used. The image catalog must be a JSON based catalog, and switching is only possible from catalogs that are JSON based.