Switching image catalogs
You can switch the image catalog of an already existing Cloudera Data Hub, Data Lake, or FreeIPA cluster. You may want to switch the image catalog for a cluster in order to restrict which Cloudera Runtime version can be upgraded to, or in order to move to custom images for an existing cluster.
Before you begin
- Ensure that both the image catalog that you are currently using and the image catalog that you want to switch to is JSON-based.
- Ensure that the currently used image is present in both image catalogs: the current one and the one that you want to change to.
Use the following CDP CLI commands to switch the image catalog for an existing cluster:
- FreeIPA:
cdp environments set-catalog --environment $ENVIRONMENT_NAME --catalog $CATALOG
Parameter Description --environment Name or CRN of the environment that holds the FreeIPA installation. --catalog URL of the FreeIPA catalog to be used. - Cloudera Data Hub:
cdp datahub set-catalog --cluster $DATAHUB_NAME --catalog-name $CATALOG
Parameter Description --cluster Name or CRN of the Cloudera Data Hub for which you want to use the new image catalog. --catalog-name Name of the image catalog to be used. The image catalog must be a JSON-based catalog, and switching is only possible from catalogs that are JSON-based. - Data
cdp datalake set-catalog --datalake $DATALAKE_NAME --catalog-name $CATALOG
Parameter Description --datalake Name of the Data Lake for which you want to use the new image catalog. --catalog-name Name of the image catalog to be used. The image catalog must be a JSON-based catalog, and switching is only possible from catalogs that are JSON-based.