Release NotesPDF version

November 14, 2019

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following new features:

CDP now offers TLS encryption across all endpoints for both data and control traffic, providing an internal Certificate Authority (CA) with commonly trusted certificates and automatic certificate expiry warnings. Adding new cluster hosts or services to a cluster with auto-TLS enabled automatically (which is CDP's default setting) creates and deploys the required certificates. CDP supports TLS 1.2.

When configuring S3Guard as part of environment creation, you can now specify an existing DynamoDB table. Note that:
  • The table must be in the same region as the environment
  • One table can be used with one environment only
  • CDP will not delete this table when deleting the environment

There is no longer need to create the cdp_$env group for each newly created environment and assign it to the environment.

There is no longer need to reset the FreeIPA password after creating a new environment. The password is automatically propagated to each newly created environment. You can still manage your FreeIPA password from the User Management page and reset it if needed.

Knox gateway now uses port 443. If you select for CDP to create security groups automatically, this port is automatically open to your organization's CIDR as needed. If you are creating your environment's security groups manually, you should open port 443 instead of 8443 to your organization's CIDR.