Release NotesPDF version

June 28, 2023

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

Cloudera Runtime 7.2.17 is now available and can be used for registering an environment with a 7.2.17 Data Lake and creating Data Hub clusters. For more information about the new Runtime version, see Cloudera Runtime. If you need to upgrade your existing CDP environment, refer to Data Lake upgrade and Data Hub upgrade documentation.

With the release of Cloudera Runtime 7.2.17, you can now upgrade your Data Lake in a rolling manner. The rolling upgrade allows you to upgrade the Data Lake Runtime and OS without stopping attached Data Hubs or Data Services. This allows workloads to continue running during the Data Lake upgrade operation.
You can now register a CDP environment on GCP with RAZ enabled to use fine-grained access policies and audit capabilities available in Apache Ranger. See GCS Fine-Grained Access Control.

You can take a backup of a Data Lake that runs one version of Cloudera Runtime and restore the backup to a Data Lake that runs a different version of Runtime. The backup version must be an earlier/lower version Runtime than the Data Lake that you are restoring to. Version limitations apply and a Ranger/HMS schema upgrade may be required. See Cross-version support for Data Lake backup and restore for more details.

Backward compatibility between Data Lakes and Data Hubs has been introduced with Cloudera Runtime 7.2.17. It is no longer required that you perform Data Hub upgrades in lock-step with the Data Lake upgrade. If your Data Hub is on Runtime version 7.2.16 or later, it is compatible with a Data Lake on a newer Runtime version (7.2.17+). You can independently upgrade your Data Hubs at a later time if you choose to, though it is not required.

You can now register a CDP environment and create Data Hubs in the AWS Middle East UAE region (me-central-1). See updated Supported AWS regions.

If you are planning to upgrade the Runtime version in your existing Data Lake clusters to 7.2.17 or higher versions, you may be required to perform an additional step before upgrading.

You can verify whether your cluster is impacted by navigating to the Upgrade tab of your Data Lake cluster. If there is a warning message about missing prerequisites on the Upgrade page, you need to perform an additional upgrade step before moving to the 7.2.17 Cloudera Runtime version. The required steps may be different depending on your current Runtime version. See Data Lake upgrade for more details.