Troubleshooting Cluster Connectivity Manager v1

You can troubleshoot cluster connection issues that might occur when you use Cluster Connectivity Manager v1 by referring to the syslog on your Cloudera Manager node for classic clusters and your gateway and Knox nodes for Data Lake and Cloudera Data Hub clusters.

Search for auto-ssh messages to diagnose any connection problems.

For example, Cloudera can communicate with clusters that are on private subnets with only private IPs without any additional network configuration or setup. However, Cloudera requires that these clusters have outbound connections to AWS NLBs hosted in the Cloudera 's AWS account.

Common cases when connection via Cluster Connectivity Manager v1 fails

The following list includes the most common cases when connection via Cluster Connectivity Manager fails and steps for how to fix the problems.

In all the cases listed below, it is essential to check if the Cluster Connectivity Manager domain name “” has been whitelisted and the port range 6000-6049 has been whitelisted for SSL connections. This is because by default SSL connections are allowed only on the port 443 but connections to the Cloudera Control Plane via Cluster Connectivity Manager go through the ports in the range 6000-6049.

Reason for connection failure How to fix the problem
You have not whitelisted the NLB domains or the port range 6000-6049 on your VPC. Both the incoming and the outgoing traffic must be allowed from Cluster Connectivity Manager NLB and port ranges.
You are using a transparent proxy and you did not explicitly whitelist NLB domains and the ports on the transparent proxies. If you are using a transparent proxy, you need to explicitly whitelist the NLB domains and the ports on the transparent proxies.
You are using a non-transparent proxy but you did not register it in Cloudera. If you are using a non-transparent proxy, you need to perform the steps in Setting up a non-transparent proxy in Cloudera documentation.
Your firewall doesn’t allow traffic to/from NLBs. The firewall configured on your VPC should allow the traffic to/from the NLBs and the port range 6000-6049.
The IPs of the NLB do not fall under the elastic IP CIDR block assigned to Cluster Connectivity Manager NLBs. Cluster Connectivity Manager NLBs have IPs assigned to them which are taken from the CIDR block

If the NLB assigned to the environment/cluster returns IPs that do not fall under this CIDR block when an nslookup call is made, then the IPs returned need to be explicitly whitelisted so that the traffic from these IPs is allowed in your VPCs.

If you are still unable to determine the root cause and fix the issue, you may consider collecting more information.

Collecting information from the cluster where connection fails

Obtaining relevant information such as the NLB domain name, tunnel type (for example, Cloudera Manager), autossh client logs, and the syslogs from a cluster helps narrow down the root cause.

The following steps explain how to obtain this information.

  1. Check if the autossh process is running on the cluster:
    1. SSH into the node on which the issue is being seen. Execute ps -aux | grep autossh to see if the autossh client responsible for creating the tunnel from the node to Cloudera is running.
    2. If the process is running, it would show the command similar to:
      autossh -M 0 -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -o ServerAliveCountMax 3 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/etc/ccm/ -N -T -R<LOCAL_PORT> -i /tmp/pk.key -p <NLB_PORT> <INITIATOR_ID>@<NLB_HOST_NAME> -vvv
    3. Collect the values of NLB_HOST_NAME, NLB_PORT, INITIATOR_ID from the above step.
    4. Share the collected information with Cloudera support.
  2. Check if the NLB is reachable from the node:
    1. On the node, execute the command nslookup <NLB_HOST_NAME> to check if the NLB is reachable from the node.
    2. Use tools such as telnet or netcat to check if it is possible to reach the NLB on the specific NLB_PORT. For example:
      telnet <NLB_HOST_NAME> <NLB_PORT>
    3. If telnet is not installed on the node, you can use curl telnet as an alternative. For example:
      curl -vv telnet://<NLB_HOST_NAME>:<NLB_PORT>
    4. If this fails, then the traffic to the Cloudera network is blocked on your VPC. This means that you should check the outbound rules on their VPC to make sure that the traffic to the cloudera network is allowed.
  3. Collect the following logs and share them with Cloudera support:
    1. The dump of /var/log/messages (which stores the global system messages) is necessary to debug the issue with the SSH tunnel setup by Cluster Connectivity Manager.
    2. The dump of the output of the tcpdump command on the problematic node captures the network messages with the description of contents of packets between the node and the Cloudera Control Plane. Cloudera support may ask for this if needed or when the already collected information is not sufficient to debug the issue.
    3. The dump of /var/log/socket_wait_cleanup.log (which stores the logs related to the restarts of autossh process) Note that this log file is only present in environments created after December 12, 2020.
  4. Collect the firewall logs and share them with Cloudera support:
    1. It is useful for Cloudera support to see the logs from your firewall to see if the firewall is closing the connection to the Cloudera Control Plane.
  5. Collect and share the environment/cluster and Cluster Connectivity Manager related information:
    1. To look up the logs, Cloudera support needs the account id of the customer, environment CRN, and the time period to scan the logs for the issue.

FreeIPA sync issues

Error or issue details Resolution
502 or "Bad Gateway" error such as:
  • "Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway"
  • Unexpected response from FreeIPA; details: code: 502
  • Status: 502 Bad Gateway Response
A new parameter defining connection timeout was added to the autossh script placed on images used to provision clusters. Without it, there is no timeout for Cluster Connectivity Manager connections and Cluster Connectivity Manager related services won't restart automatically. If you provisioned FreeIPA or Data Lake prior to the implementation of this parameter,you need to update the script by using the following steps:

1. Modify autossh command on FreeIPA, Data Lake and Cloudera Data Hub nodes in this script:


Add new parameter to the command:

-o "ConnectTimeout 30"

Original command:

exec autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o UserKnownHostsFile=${CCM_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE} -N -T -R ${LOCAL_IP}:0:localhost:${CCM_TUNNEL_SERVICE_PORT} -i ${PRIVATE_KEY} -p ${CCM_SSH_PORT} ${USER}@${CCM_HOST} -vvv

New command:

exec autossh -M 0 -o "ConnectTimeout 30" -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o UserKnownHostsFile=${CCM_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE} -N -T -R ${LOCAL_IP}:0:localhost:${CCM_TUNNEL_SERVICE_PORT} -i ${PRIVATE_KEY} -p ${CCM_SSH_PORT} ${USER}@${CCM_HOST} -vvv

2. Restart ccm-tunnel@KNOX service on Data Lake and Cloudera Data Hub nodes and ccm-tunnel@GATEWAY on FreeIPA, Data Lake and Cloudera Data Hub nodes:

systemctl restart ccm-tunnel@KNOX
systemctl restart ccm-tunnel@GATEWAY

3. Check if modification of the command was successful:

ps aux | grep autossh