Data LakesPDF version

Data Lake status options

See a list of possible Data Lake status options for the UI and CLI with explanations.

Indicator CLI status Description
Requested REQUESTED The Data Lake creation has been requested and is awaiting for the cloud service provider to allocate instances.
Waiting for environment Creation... WAIT_FOR_ENVIRONMENT The Data Lake is waiting for its associated environment to be ready.
Environment has been created ENVIRONMENT_CREATED The environment linked to the Data Lake has been successfully created.
Provisioning failed PROVISIONING_FAILED The Data Lake provisioning process encountered an error and failed.
Stack creation
Creating stack... STACK_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake's underlying stack is currently being provisioned.
Stack created STACK_CREATION_FINISHED The Data Lake’s stack provisioning has completed successfully.
Stack delete
Deleting stack... STACK_DELETION_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s stack is in the process of being deleted.
Stack deleted STACK_DELETED The Data Lake’s stack has been fully deleted.
External database
Creating external database... EXTERNAL_DATABASE_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS The external database for the Data Lake is being created.
External database created EXTERNAL_DATABASE_CREATED The external database for the Data Lake has been successfully created.
Deleting external database... EXTERNAL_DATABASE_DELETION_IN_PROGRESS The external database for the Data Lake is being deleted.
Starting external database... EXTERNAL_DATABASE_START_IN_PROGRESS The external database for the Data Lake is starting up.
External database started EXTERNAL_DATABASE_STARTED The external database for the Data Lake has started successfully.
Stopping external database... EXTERNAL_DATABASE_STOP_IN_PROGRESS The external database for the Data Lake is being stopped.
External database stopped EXTERNAL_DATABASE_STOPPED The external database for the Data Lake has been stopped successfully.
Repairing... REPAIR_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake is undergoing a repair process to fix issues.
Repair failed REPAIR_FAILED The repair attempt on the Data Lake failed.
Image update
Change image in progress... CHANGE_IMAGE_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s image (for example, OS and components) is being updated.
Upgrade preparation in progress... DATALAKE_UPGRADE_PREPARATION_IN_PROGRESS Preparations for a Data Lake upgrade are underway.
Upgrade preparation failed DATALAKE_UPGRADE_PREPARATION_FAILED The preparation for the Data Lake upgrade failed.
Upgrade in progress... DATALAKE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake is being upgraded to a new version.
Upgrade failed DATALAKE_UPGRADE_FAILED The Data Lake upgrade process failed.
Rolling upgrade in progress... DATALAKE_ROLLING_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS A rolling upgrade of the Data Lake is in progress, minimizing downtime. The upgrade can take longer.
Deleting... DELETE_REQUESTED A request to delete the Data Lake has been initiated.
Delete failed DELETE_FAILED The Data Lake deletion process failed.
Deleted DELETED The Data Lake has been completely deleted.
Deleted on provider DELETED_ON_PROVIDER_SIDE The Data Lake was deleted directly on the cloud provider’s side.
Starting external database... START_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake is in the process of starting up.
Start failed START_FAILED The Data Lake failed to start.
Stop in progress... STOP_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake is being stopped.
Stopped STOPPED All Data Lake instances are stopped.
Stop failed STOP_FAILED The attempt to stop the Data Lake failed.
Certificate rotation
Certificate rotation in progress... CERT_ROTATION_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s autotls/private/host certificates are being rotated.
Certificate rotation failed CERT_ROTATION_FAILED The autotls/private/host certificate rotation for the Data Lake failed.
Certificate rotation finished CERT_ROTATION_FINISHED The autotls/private/host certificate rotation for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Certificate renewal
Certificate renewal in progress... CERT_RENEWAL_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s public certificates are being renewed.
Certificate renewal failed CERT_RENEWAL_FAILED The public certificate renewal for the Data Lake failed.
Certificate renewal finished CERT_RENEWAL_FINISHED The public certificate renewal for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Backup in progress... DATALAKE_BACKUP_INPROGRESS A backup of the Data Lake is currently in progress.
Backup validation in progress... DATALAKE_BACKUP_VALIDATION_INPROGRESS Validation of the Data Lake backup is underway.
Restore in progress... DATALAKE_RESTORE_INPROGRESS A restore operation for the Data Lake is in progress.
Backup restore validation in progress... DATALAKE_RESTORE_VALIDATION_INPROGRESS Validation of the Data Lake restore process is underway.
Restore failed DATALAKE_RESTORE_FAILED The Data Lake restore operation failed.
Detached DATALAKE_DETACHED The Data Lake has been detached from its environment or cluster.
Recovery in progress... RECOVERY_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake is undergoing a recovery process.
Recovery failed RECOVERY_FAILED The Data Lake recovery process failed.
Upgrade in progress... DATALAKE_UPGRADE_CCM_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s Cluster Connectivity Manager is being upgraded.
Upgrade failed DATALAKE_UPGRADE_CCM_FAILED The Cluster Connectivity Manager upgrade for the Data Lake failed.
Database upgrade
Database upgrade requested DATALAKE_UPGRADE_DATABASE_SERVER_REQUESTED A request to upgrade the Data Lake’s database server has been made.
Database upgrade in progress... DATALAKE_UPGRADE_DATABASE_SERVER_IN_PROGRESS The database server upgrade for the Data Lake is in progress.
Database upgrade failed DATALAKE_UPGRADE_DATABASE_SERVER_FAILED The database server upgrade for the Data Lake failed.
Database upgrade finished DATALAKE_UPGRADE_DATABASE_SERVER_FINISHED The database server upgrade for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Database certificate rotation
Database certificate rotation in progress... DATALAKE_DATABASE_CERTIFICATE_ROTATION_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s database certificates are being rotated.
Database certificate rotation failed DATALAKE_DATABASE_CERTIFICATE_ROTATION_FAILED The database certificate rotation for the Data Lake failed.
Proxy config modification
Proxy config modification in progress... DATALAKE_PROXY_CONFIG_MODIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s proxy configuration is being modified.
Proxy config modification failed DATALAKE_PROXY_CONFIG_MODIFICATION_FAILED The proxy configuration modification for the Data Lake failed.
Data Hub refresh
Data Hub refresh in progress... DATAHUB_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS A refresh of the associated Cloudera Data Hub is in progress.
Data Hub refresh failed DATAHUB_REFRESH_FAILED The Cloudera Data Hub refresh for the Data Lake failed.
Salt password rotation
Salt password rotation in progress... SALT_PASSWORD_ROTATION_IN_PROGRESS The Salt password for the Data Lake is being rotated.
Salt password rotation failed SALT_PASSWORD_ROTATION_FAILED The Salt password rotation for the Data Lake failed.
Salt password rotation finished SALT_PASSWORD_ROTATION_FINISHED The Salt password rotation for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Salt update
Salt update in progress... SALT_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS The Salt software or configuration for the Data Lake is being updated.
Salt update failed SALT_UPDATE_FAILED The Salt update for the Data Lake failed.
Salt update finished SALT_UPDATE_FINISHED The Salt update for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Secret rotation
Secret rotation in progress... DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_IN_PROGRESS Secret rotation for the Data Lake is in progress.
Secret rotation failed DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_FAILED Secret rotation for the Data Lake failed.
Secret rotation finished DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_FINISHED Secret rotation for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Secret rotation rollback in progress... DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS A rollback of the secret rotation for the Data Lake is in progress.
Secret rotation rollback failed DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_ROLLBACK_FAILED The secret rotation rollback for the Data Lake failed.
Secret rotation rollback finished DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_ROLLBACK_FINISHED The secret rotation rollback for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Secret rotation finalize in progress... DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_FINALIZE_IN_PROGRESS Finalization of the secret rotation for the Data Lake is in progress.
Secret rotation finalize failed DATALAKE_SECRET_ROTATION_FINALIZE_FAILED The finalization of the secret rotation for the Data Lake failed.
Default Java version change
Default Java version change in progress... DATALAKE_DEFAULT_JAVA_VERSION_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS The Data Lake’s default Java version is being changed.
Default Java version change failed DATALAKE_DEFAULT_JAVA_VERSION_CHANGE_FAILED The Java version change for the Data Lake failed.
Vertical scale
Vertical scale validation in progress... DATALAKE_VERTICAL_SCALE_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS Validation for vertical scaling of the Data Lake is in progress.
Vertical scale validation failed DATALAKE_VERTICAL_SCALE_VALIDATION_FAILED The vertical scaling validation for the Data Lake failed.
Vertical scale in progress... DATALAKE_VERTICAL_SCALE_ON_DATALAKE_IN_PROGRESS Vertical scaling of the Data Lake is being applied.
Vertical scale failed DATALAKE_VERTICAL_SCALE_ON_DATALAKE_FAILED The vertical scaling operation on the Data Lake failed.
Vertical scale failed DATALAKE_VERTICAL_SCALE_FAILED The overall vertical scaling attempt for the Data Lake failed.
Horizontal scale
Horizontal scale validation in progress... DATALAKE_HORIZONTAL_SCALE_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS Validation for horizontal scaling of the Data Lake is in progress.
Horizontal scale validation failed DATALAKE_HORIZONTAL_SCALE_VALIDATION_FAILED The horizontal scaling validation for the Data Lake failed.
Horizontal scale services restart in progress... DATALAKE_HORIZONTAL_SCALE_SERVICES_RESTART_IN_PROGRESS Services are restarting as part of horizontal scaling.
Horizontal scale failed DATALAKE_HORIZONTAL_SCALE_FAILED The horizontal scaling of the Data Lake failed.
Horizontal scale finished DATALAKE_HORIZONTAL_SCALE_FINISHED The horizontal scaling of the Data Lake completed successfully.
Horizontal scale in progress... DATALAKE_HORIZONTAL_SCALE_IN_PROGRESS Horizontal scaling of the Data Lake is in progress.
Disk update
Disk update validation in progress... DATALAKE_DISK_UPDATE_VALIDATION_IN_PROGRESS Validation for a disk update on the Data Lake is in progress.
Disk update validation failed DATALAKE_DISK_UPDATE_VALIDATION_FAILED The disk update validation for the Data Lake failed.
Disk update in progress... DATALAKE_DISK_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS A disk update for the Data Lake is being applied.
Disk update failed DATALAKE_DISK_UPDATE_FAILED The disk update for the Data Lake failed.
Add volumes
Add volumes in progress... DATALAKE_ADD_VOLUMES_IN_PROGRESS Additional volumes are being added to the Data Lake.
Add volumes failed DATALAKE_ADD_VOLUMES_FAILED The process to add volumes to the Data Lake failed.
Instance metadata update
Instance metadata update in progress... DATALAKE_IMD_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS An IMD (Instance Metadata) update for the Data Lake is in progress.
Instance metadata update failed DATALAKE_IMD_UPDATE_FAILED The IMD update for the Data Lake failed.
Instance metadata update finished DATALAKE_IMD_UPDATE_FINISHED The IMD update for the Data Lake completed successfully.
Other statuses
Running RUNNING The Data Lake is fully operational and running without issues.
Cluster ambiguous CLUSTER_AMBIGUOUS The Data Lake’s cluster status is unclear or inconsistent.
Unreachable CLUSTER_UNREACHABLE The Cloudera Manager and/or the VM running the Cloudera Manager cannot be reached.
Node failure NODE_FAILURE One or more nodes in the Data Lake cluster have node failures.
Sync failed SYNC_FAILED Synchronization of users from UMS to the Data Lake’s state failed.
Stale STALE We have no information from the cluster and it has been unreachable for more than 30 days. The Data Lake’s status is outdated or no longer reflects its current state.