Accessing Data Lake services

You can access your Data Lake security and governance services such as Atlas and Ranger from the Endpoints tab from Data Lake details in the Cloudera Management Console.

Required role: EnvironmentAdmin, Data Steward, or Owner of the environment

To access data lake UIs and endpoints navigate to the Cloudera Management Console > Data Lakes and click on the tile representing your Data Lake. This brings you to the Data Lake cluster details page:
  • The URLs to data lake service UIs are listed directly on this page, in the Services section. Click on the URL for the service that you would like to access and you will be logged in automatically with your Cloudera credentials. All the UIs are accessible via the Knox gateway: The URLs listed connect you to a chosen service via Knox and Knox securely passes your Cloudera credentials.
  • To access API endpoints, navigate to the Endpoints tab. If you need to access the endpoints, refer to Accessing Non-SSO Interfaces Using IPA Credentials.

Security exception

The first time you access the UIs, your browser will attempt to confirm that the SSL Certificate is valid. Since CDP automatically generates a certificate with self-signed CA, your browser will warn you about an untrusted connection and ask you to confirm a security exception. Depending on your browser, perform the steps below to proceed:
Browser Steps
Firefox Click Advanced > Click Add Exception… > Click Confirm Security Exception
Safari Click Continue
Chrome Click Advanced > Click Proceed…

You can also view your available data lakes via CDP CLI using the following commands:

cdp datalake list-datalakes
cdp datalake describe-datalake
cdp datalake get-cluster-host-status
cdp datalake get-cluster-service-status