User ManagementPDF version

Assign a classic cluster resource role to a user

You can assign a specific resource role to a user or a machine user on the scope of a specific classic cluster to allow them to manage a specific classic cluster.

Required roles:
  • Owner or a role that allows administering the environment AND
  • One of the following: IamViewer or IamUser (required for listing users).
In order to assign a role, a user must have all rights from the role that they are planning to assign to another user; That is, a user can only assign a role higher than his own.
  1. In the Cloudera Management Console navigate to the Classic Clusters dashboard.
  2. Click on the (context menu) next to the cluster that you want to update and select Manage Access.
  3. Find the user that you want to update and click on Update Roles.
  4. Select or deselect the roles and then click on Update Roles.