NotificationsPDF version

Subscribing to resource notifications

Resource notifications enable you to receive automated alerts from service events in Cloudera Management Console or through email. To be able to subscribe to a resource notification, you must enable notifications at the data or platform service, then configure the resource notification. When selecting email as a notification channel, you can also create a distribution list that allows you to subscribe multiple users to the same set of email notifications.

Required role: NotificationSubscriber

You can enable notifications to receive automated events, alerts and service information of a data or platform service that supports notifications. You can create a subscription on the data or platform service side. Creating the subscription will redirect you to Cloudera Management Console > Notifications where you can choose the type of notification you want to subscribe to and how you want to receive the notification.

You can subscribe to receive Cloudera DataFlow environment and deployment related notifications. For more information about how to enable and configure notifications in Cloudera DataFlow, see the Setting up service and deployment notifications documentation.

After enabling notifications at the data or platform service, you are redirected to Cloudera Management Console > Notifications > Create Subscription where you need to select the type of resource notification and how to receive the notification.

When the subscription is created, you can use the Subscription tab to view the list of Active Subscriptions. You also have the option to edit the subscriptions if you want to unsubscribe from a type of notification or you can change how to receive the notifications. You can also delete an active subscription if you no longer need it.