Release NotesPDF version

April 19, 2022

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

The Azure VM type used for the FreeIPA server was changed from Standard_D3_v2 to Standard_DS3_v2 so that FreeIPA nodes can be encrypted at host. Standard_D3_v2 doesn't support encryption at host while Standard_DS3_v2 does. See updated Overview of Azure resources used by CDP.

If a CDP environment has RAZ enabled, setting IDBroker mappings is disabled during environment creation and when the environment is already running. If your environment has RAZ enabled, you should be using Ranger for authorizing user and group access to the S3 or ADLS Gen 2 cloud storage used by the Data Lake.

The Standard SKU Azure Load Balancer is used in multiple places in CDP Data Lakes and Data Hubs. It is used as a frontend for Knox in both Data Lakes and Data Hubs, and for Oozie HA in HA Data Hubs. See Azure Load Balancers in Data Lakes and Data Hubs.

You can now upgrade your CDH, HDP, or CDP Private Cloud Base clusters that were previously registered in CDP from CCMv1 to CCMv2. See Upgrading a classic cluster from CCMv1 to CCMv2.