Release NotesPDF version

June 27, 2022

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

During Azure environment registration, you can optionally enable Public Endpoint Access Gateway, which provides secure connectivity to UIs and APIs in Data Lake and Data Hub clusters deployed using private networking, allowing users to access these resources without complex changes to their networking or creating direct connections to cloud provider networks. With this release, Public Endpoint Access Gateway is general availability for AWS and Azure, and it remains preview for GCP. See Public Endpoint Access Gateway.

By default, workload usernames are generated using the identity provider user ID. Alternatively, you can now generate workload usernames based on users' email addresses. This is useful in cases when the identity provider user ID is an opaque ID, like a uuid or employee ID, which gives equally opaque workload usernames. For more information, see Generating workload usernames based on email.

You can now register a CDP environment and create Data Hubs in the AWS Jakarta Region (ap-southeast-3). See updated Supported AWS regions.

Cloudera Operational Database is now supported in the ap-1 (Australia) and eu-1 (Germany) regional Control Planes.

For added security, you can now restrict all Cloudera SSO access (including account administrator access) by contacting Cloudera Support and they can disable or enable the "Cloudera SSO All Login Enabled" setting for the account. Previously, account administrator access could not be restricted. For more information, see Disabling the Cloudera SSO login.