Resize FreeIPA

After resizing your Data Lake from Light Duty to Medium Duty you should also resize your FreeIPA cluster. You can do this via CDP CLI.

When you register a CDP environment, the FreeIPA node count (also known as “availability type”) depends on the Data Lake cluster shape:

  • When an environment with a Medium Duty Data Lake is provisioned, an HA FreeIPA cluster consisting of three instances is created along with it.

  • When an environment with a Light Duty Data Lake is provisioned, a two-node FreeIPA cluster is created along with it.

When you resize (or “migrate”) your Data Lake from Light Duty to Medium Duty, you should resize your FreeIPA cluster accordingly from two to three nodes so that a Medium Duty Data Lake can be backed by a FreeIPA server that offers higher availability.

In general, FreeIPA resizing scenarios are supported:

  • Upscaling from one to three nodes

  • Upscaling from two to three nodes

  • Downscaling from three to two nodes

The following validations are performed before the scaling operation:

  • Scale is possible given the current node count.

  • The instances are not deleted and all the instances are available.

  • FreeIPA stack is available.

  • The scaling path is supported by Cloudera Management Console

Scale up FreeIPA

To upscale your FreeIPA cluster, use the following command:
cdp environments upscale-freeipa \
  --environment-name <ENVIRONENT-NAME> \
  --target-availability-type HA
For example:
cdp environments upscale-freeipa \
  --environment-name my-env \
  --target-availability-type HA

This operation requires the --target-availability-type parameter, with the following possible values:

  • HA - 3 node HA cluster
  • TWO_NODE_BASED - 2 node cluster
  • NON_HA - 1 node-cluster

Scale down FreeIPA

To downscale your FreeIPA cluster, use the following command:
cdp environments downscale-freeipa \
  --environment-name <ENVIRONENT-NAME> \
  --target-availability-type <AVAILABILITY-TYPE>
For example:
cdp environments downscale-freeipa \
  --environment-name my-env \
  --target-availability-type HA

This operation requires the --target-availability-type parameter, with the following possible values:

  • HA - 3 node HA cluster
  • TWO_NODE_BASED - 2 node cluster
  • NON_HA - 1 node-cluster