GCP EnvironmentsPDF version

Monitoring an environment

Once an environment exists, you can access it from the Cloudera Management Console.

Required role: EnvironmentUser, EnvironmentAdmin, or Owner

To access information related to your environment, perform the following steps:
  1. To access an existing environment, navigate to Cloudera Management Console > Environments and click on your environment.
  2. Click on the Summary tab to access environment details.
  3. You can monitor the status of your environment from this page.

You can view and monitor available environments from CDP CLI using the following commands:

  • List available environments: cdp environments list-environments

    cdp environments list-environments
        "environments": [
                "environmentName": "cdp-demo",
                "crn": "crn:altus:environments:us-west-1:c8dbde4b-ccce-4f8d-a581-830970ba4908:environment:d3361b40-39ab-4d87-bd5b-abc15f16b90c",
                "status": "DELETE_FAILED",
                "region": "us-east-2",
                "cloudPlatform": "AWS",
                "credentialName": "cdp-demo",
                "description": "Cdp demo"
                "environmentName": "cdp-new",
                "crn": "crn:altus:environments:us-west-1:c8dbde4b-ccce-4f8d-a581-830970ba4908:environment:1d2bacde-5c96-47c1-a597-9f276b824028",
                "status": "AVAILABLE",
                "region": "us-east-2",
                "cloudPlatform": "AWS",
                "credentialName": "cdp-demo",
                "description": ""
  • Get basic information about a specific environment: cdp environments describe-environment --environment-name <value>
  • Get id broker mappings: cdp environments get-id-broker-mappings --environment-name <value>
  • Get status of specified operation: cdp environments get-operation --environment-name <value> [--operation-id <value>]

    To use the get-operation command to get the status of a specified event, you need to specify the operation id of the operation. Every operation that starts a process running in the background, like creating, stopping, or restarting an environment, returns an operationId field in the response.

    cdp environments stop-environment
        "operationId": "aaa52df6-9322-4a91-863b-98e459b65240"

    The value of this operationId can be used as the value for the --operation-id option for the get-operation command.

    cdp environments get-operation --environment-name foldikrskenv --operation-id aaa52df6-9322-4a91-863b-98e459b65240
    Output format:
        "operationId": "identifier of the operation",
        "operationName": "Short name of the operation",
        "operationStatus": "UNKNOWN | RUNNING | FAILED | FINISHED | CANCELLED",
        "started": "Start time of the operation"
        "ended": "End time of the operation if it is completed"
    Output example:
        "operationId": "aaa52df6-9322-4a91-863b-98e459b65240",
        "operationName": "EnvironmentStop",
        "operationStatus": "RUNNING",
        "started": "2025-03-05T13:59:32+00:00"

    Unsuccessful operation statuses are stored for 2 weeks, while successful status operations are stored for 1 day.

    The operation id is optional, and if it is omitted, the status of the last operation is returned.

  • Get status of latest operation: cdp environments get-operation --environment-name <value>

    cdp environments get-operation --environment-name env1
        "operationId": "55cb5614-b53c-4f03-811f-459c4893c5f2",
        "operationName": "EnvironmentCreation",
        "operationStatus": "RUNNING",
        "started": "2025-01-15T08:46:48+00:00"