
There are three basic ways to access and use CDP services: web interface, CLI client, and SDK.

CDP web interface

The CDP web interface provides a web-based, graphical user interface accessible via a browser. As an admin user, you can use the CDP web interface to register environments, manage users, and provision CDP service resources for end users. As an end user, you can use the CDP web interface to access CDP service web interfaces to perform data engineering or data analytics tasks.

The CDP web interface allows you to access multiple CDP services. You can switch between different CDP services by using the icon in the top left corner.


If you prefer to work in a terminal window, you can download and configure the CDP client that gives you access to the CDP CLI tool. The CDP CLI allows you to perform the same actions as can be performed from the management console. Furthermore, it allows you to automate routine tasks such as Data Hub cluster creation.


You can use the CDP SDK for Java to integrate CDP services with your applications. Use the CDP SDK to connect to CDP services, create and manage clusters, and run jobs from your Java application or other data integration tools that you may use in your organization.