Installing from ZIP or TAR Archives

Install SRM from ZIP or TAR archives.

Obtain the SRM software artifacts for your system from the Cloudera Downloads Portal. For more information, see Download from the SRM repository.

  1. Create a home directory for SRM.
    Cloudera recommends /opt/streams-replication-manager/.
    mkdir -p /opt/streams-replication-manager/ 
  2. Extract the files from the downloaded archive.
    Use the unzip or tar command or any other archive manager to extract the archives. For example:
    tar -xzvf [ARCHIVE_PATH] -C /opt/streams-replication-manager/ 
    unzip -o [ARCHIVE_PATH] -d /opt/streams-replication-manager/
    Replace [ARCHIVE_PATH] with the path to the archive you have downloaded. For example, /root/streams-replication-manager-
  3. Verify that the directories have correct file permissions. If not assign them.
    chmod -R 755 /opt/streams-replication-manager/
  4. Set environment variables:
    1. Navigate to the SRM config directory. For example, /opt/streams-replication-manager/[ARCHIVE_NAME]/config.
      Replace [ARCHIVE_NAME] with the full name of the archive that you have downloaded. For example, streams-replication-manager-
    2. Open with an editor of your choice and add the following environment variables:
      export SRM_HOME=/opt/streams-replication-manager/[ARCHIVE_NAME]
      export SRM_BIN_DIR=${SRM_HOME}/bin
      export SRM_CONF_DIR=${SRM_HOME}/config
      export SRM_LOG_DIR=${SRM_HOME}/logs
      export SRM_PID_DIR=${SRM_HOME}/run
    3. Optional: Specify an alternate temporary-file directory for RocksDB.
      This step is only required if you have mounted /tmp with the noexec option. In this case you have to specify an alternate tmp directory for RocksDB. You can achieve this by adding the following environment variable to
      export ROCKSDB_SHAREDLIB_DIR=/root/tmp/srmrocksdb
  5. Optional: Add the SRM bin directory to your PATH environment variable. For example:
    export PATH=/opt/streams-replication-manager/[ARCHIVE_NAME]/bin:$PATH
SRM is installed on the host.
Use the command line tools provided with SRM to start the driver and service.