Kafka - Hosts
Metrics that show operating status for Kafka cluster on a per broker level.
Use the drop-downs to select:
a Kafka broker
a host
whether to view largest (top) or smallest (bottom) values
the number of values that you want to view
an aggregator to use: average, max value, or the sum of values
Row | Metrics |
Description |
BYTES IN & OUT / MESSAGES IN / UNDER REPLICATED PARTITIONS | Bytes In & Bytes Out /sec | Rate at which bytes produced into the Kafka broker and rate at which bytes are being consumed from the Kafka broker. |
Messages In /sec | Number of messages produced into the Kafka broker. | |
Under Replicated Partitions | Number of under-replicated partitions in the Kafka broker. | |
Rate at which producer requests are made to the Kafka broker. |
Consumer Req /sec |
Rate at which consumer requests are made from the Kafka broker. | |
REPLICA MANAGER PARTITION/LEADER/FETCHER MANAGER MAX LAG | Replica Manager Partition Count | Number of topic partitions being replicated for the Kafka broker. |
Replica Manager Leader Count | Number of topic partitions for which the Kafka broker is the leader. | |
Replica Fetcher Manager MaxLag clientId Replica | Shows the lag in replicating topic partitions. | |
ISR SHRINKS / ISR EXPANDS | IsrShrinks /sec | Indicates if any replicas failed to be in ISR for the host. |
IsrExpands /sec | Indicates if any replica has caught up with leader and re-joined the ISR for the host. |