
1. Overview: Ambari User Guide
1. Architecture
1.1. Sessions
2. Accessing Ambari Web
2. Viewing the Ambari Dashboards
1. Viewing the Cluster Dashboard
1.1. Scanning Service Status
1.2. Widget Descriptions
1.3. Widget Details
1.4. Linking to Service UIs
1.5. Viewing Cluster-Wide Metrics
2. Modifying the Cluster Dashboard
2.1. Adding a Widget to the Dashboard
2.2. Resetting the Dashboard
2.3. Customizing Widget Display
3. Viewing Cluster Heatmaps
3. Managing Hosts
1. Working with Hosts
2. Filtering the Hosts List
3. Performing Host-Level Actions
4. Viewing Components on a Host
5. Decommissioning Masters and Slaves
5.1. How to Decommission a Component
6. How to Delete a Component
7. Deleting a Host from a Cluster
7.1. How to Delete a Host from a Cluster
8. Setting Maintenance Mode
8.1. Setting Maintenance Mode for Services, Components, and Hosts
8.2. How to Turn On Maintenance Mode for a Service
8.3. How to Turn On Maintenance Mode for a Host
8.4. How to Turn On Maintenance Mode for a Host (alternative using filtering for hosts)
8.5. Maintenance Mode Use Cases
9. Adding Hosts to a Cluster
10. Rack Awareness
4. Managing Services
1. Starting and Stopping All Services
2. Selecting a Service
3. Adding a Service
3.1. Adding a Service to your Hadoop cluster
4. Editing Service Config Properties
5. Viewing Service Summary and Alerts
5.1. Alerts and Health Checks
5.2. Modifying the Service Dashboard
6. Performing Service Actions
7. Removing A Service
8. Monitoring Background Operations
9. Operations Audit
10. Using Quick Links
11. Rolling Restarts
11.1. Setting Rolling Restart Parameters
11.2. Aborting a Rolling Restart
12. Managing YARN
12.1. Refreshing YARN Capacity Scheduler
13. Managing HDFS
13.1. Rebalancing HDFS
13.2. Tuning Garbage Collection
14. Managing Storm
15. Managing Apache Atlas
5. Managing Service High Availability
1. NameNode High Availability
1.1. How To Configure NameNode High Availability
1.2. How to Roll Back NameNode HA
2. ResourceManager High Availability
2.1. How to Configure ResourceManager High Availability
2.2. How to Disable ResourceManager High Availability
3. HBase High Availability
3.1. Adding an HBase Master Component
4. Hive High Availability
4.1. Adding a Hive Metastore Component
4.2. Adding a HiveServer2 Component
4.3. Adding a WebHCat Component"?>
5. Storm High Availability
5.1. Adding a Nimbus Component
6. Oozie High Availability
6.1. Adding an Oozie Server Component
7. Apache Atlas High Availability
6. Managing Configurations
1. Configuring Services
1.1. Updating Service Properties
1.2. Restarting Components
2. Using Host Config Groups
3. Customizing Log Settings
4. Downloading Client Configs
5. Service Configuration Versions
5.1. Basic Concepts
5.2. Terminology
5.3. Saving a Change
5.4. Viewing History
5.5. Comparing Versions
5.6. Reverting a Change
5.7. Versioning and Host Config Groups
7. Administering the Cluster
1. Stack and Versions
2. Service Accounts
3. Kerberos
3.1. How To Regenerate Keytabs
3.2. How To Disable Kerberos
8. Monitoring and Alerts
1. Managing Alerts
1.1. Alert Types
1.2. Alert Check Counts
2. Configuring Notifications
2.1. Customizing Notification Templates
3. List of Predefined Alerts
3.1. HDFS Service Alerts
3.2. HDFS HA Alerts
3.3. NameNode HA Alerts
3.4. YARN Alerts
3.5. MapReduce2 Alerts
3.6. HBase Service Alerts
3.7. Hive Alerts
3.8. Oozie Alerts
3.9. ZooKeeper Alerts
3.10. Ambari Alerts
3.11. Ambari Metrics Alerts
9. Using Ambari Core Services
1. Ambari Metrics
1.1. AMS Architecture
1.2. Using Grafana
1.3. Performance Tuning
1.4. Moving the Metrics Collector
1.5. (Optional) Enabling Individual Region, Table, and User Metrics for HBase
2. Ambari Log Search (Technical Preview)
2.1. Log Search Architecture
2.2. Installing Log Search
2.3. Using Log Search
3. Ambari Infra