Creating the Threat Triage Rule Configuration
The goal of threat triage is to prioritize the alerts that pose the greatest threat and need urgent attention. To create a threat triage rule configuration, you must first define your rules. Each rule has a predicate to determine whether or not the rule applies. The threat score from each applied rule is aggregated into a single threat triage score that is used to prioritize high risk threats.
Following are some examples:
- Rule 1
If a threat intelligence enrichment type zeusList is alerted, imagine that you want to receive an alert score of 5.
- Rule 2
If the URL ends with neither .com nor .net, then imagine that you want to receive an alert score of 10.
- Rule 3
For each message, the triage score is the maximum score across all conditions.
These example rules become the following example configuration:
“triageConfig” : { “riskLevelRules” : [ { “name” : “zeusList is alerted" “comment” : “Threat intelligence enrichment type zeusList is alerted." “rule”: "exists(threatintels.hbaseThreatIntel.domain_without_subdomains.zeusList)” “score” : 5 } { “name” : “Does not end with .com or .net" “comment” : “The URL ends with neither .com nor .net." “rule”: “not(ENDS_WITH(domain_without_subdomains, ‘.com’) or ENDS_WITH(domain_without_subdomains, ‘.net’))“ : 10 “score” : 10 } ] ,“aggregator” : “MAX” ,”aggregationConfig” : { } }
You can use the 'reason' field to generate a message explaining why a rule fired. One or more rules may fire when triaging a threat. Having detailed, contextual information about the environment when a rule fired can greatly assist actioning the alert. For example:
- Rule 1
For hostname, the value exceeds threshold of value-threshold, receive an alert score of 10.
This example rule becomes the following example configuration:
“triageConfig” : { “riskLevelRules” : [ { “name” : “Abnormal Value" “comment” : “The value has exceeded the threshold", "reason": "FORMAT('For '%s' the value '%d' exceeds threshold of '%d', hostname, value, value_threshold)" “rule”: "value > value_threshold”, “score” : 10 } ], “aggregator” : “MAX”, ”aggregationConfig” : { } }
If the value threshold is exceeded, Threat Triage will generate a message similar to the following:
"threat.triage.score": 10.0, "": "Abnormal Value", "threat.triage.rules.0.comment": "The value has exceeded the threshold", "threat.triage.rules.0.score": 10.0, "threat.triage.rules.0.reason": "For '' the value '101' exceeds threshold of '42'"
- riskLevelRules
This is a list of rules (represented as Stellar expressions) associated with scores with optional names and comments.
- name
The name of the threat triage rule.
- comment
A comment describing the rule.
- reason
An optional Stellar expression that when executed results in a custom message describing why the rule fired.
- rule
The rule, represented as a Stellar statement.
- score
Associated threat triage score for the rule.
- aggregator
An aggregation function that takes all non-zero scores representing the matching queries from
and aggregates them into a single score.You can choose between:
The maximum of all of the associated values for matching queries.
The minimum of all of the associated values for matching queries.
The mean of all of the associated values for matching queries.
The sum of all of the associated values for mtching queries.
The mean of the positive associated values for the matching queries.