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Default Metron Error Dashboard

The following list contains a description of each of the sections that display by default in the Metron Error dashboard.

Total Error Messages

The total number of error messages received during the interim you have specified.

Unique Error Messages

The total number of unique error messages received during the interim you have specified.

Errors Over Time

A detailed message panel displays the raw data from your search query.

Error Source

When you submit a search query, the 500 most recent documents that match the query are listed in the Documents table which is displayed in the center of the Discover window.

Errors by Error Type

A list of all of the fields associated with a selected index pattern. This list is displayed on the left side of the Discover window.

Error Type Proportion

Use the line chart when you want to display high density time series. This chart is useful for comparing one series with another.

Errors by Type

You can use the mark down widget panel to provide explanations or instructions for the dashboard.

List of Errors

You can use a metric panel to display a single large number such as the number of hits or the average of a numeric field.

The default Error dashboard should look similar to the following:

Figure 4.2. Error Dashboard