In SAM, go into the edit mode the Trucking Ref App using the url outputted in the logs
and then follow the below steps to configure and deploy the reference application:
Double click on the TruckGeoEvent Kafka Source and configure it.
- Select a cluster.
- Select truck_events_avro for the kafka topic.
- Select 1 for the Reader Schema Version.
- Put an unique value for the consumer group id.
Double click on the TruckSpeedEvent Kafka Source and configure it.
- Select a cluster.
- Select truck_speed_events_avro for the kafka topic.
- Select 1 for the Reader Schema Version.
- Put an unique value for the consumer group id.
Open the configuration for the two Druid sinks (Alerts-Speeding-Driver-Cube and
Dashboard-Predictions) and configure each one by selecting a cluster.
Open the configuration for the ENRICH-HR and ENRICH-Timesheet configure the
‘Phoenix ZooKeeper Connection Url” based on your cluster (e.g.: ZK_HOST:ZK:PORT).
Open the configuration for the Hbase and HDFS sink and ensure that the cluster is