Getting Started with Streaming Analytics
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Enrichment and Normalization of Model Features

Now that the model has been added to the model registry, you can use it in the streaming application by the PMML processor. Before the model can be executed, you must enrich and normalize the streaming events with the features required by the model. As the above diagram illustrates, there are seven features in the model. None of these features come as part of the stream from the two sensors. So, based on the driverId and the latitude and longitude location, enrich the streaming event with these features and then normalize it required by the model. The table below describe each feature, enrichment store, and the normalization required.

Feature Description Enrichment Store Normalization


Identifies if the driver is certified or not HBase/Phoenix table called drivers

"yes" → normalize to 1

"no" → normalize to 0

Model_Feature_WagePlan Identifies if the driver is on an hourly or by miles wage plan HBase/Phoenix table called drivers

"Hourly" → normalize to 1

"Miles" → normalize to 0

Model_Feature_Fatigue ByHours

The total number of hours driven by the driver in the last week HBase/Phoenix table called timesheet Scale by 100 to improve algorithm performance (e.g., hours/100)

Model_Feature_Fatigue ByMiles

The total number of miles driven by the driver in the last week HBase/Phoenix table called timesheet Scale by 1000 to improve algorithm performance (e.g.,miles/1000)

Model_Feature_Foggy Weather

Determines if for the given time and location, if the conditions are foggy API to WeatherService if (foggy) → normalize to 1 else 0

Model_Feature_Rainy Weather

Determines if for the given time and location, if the conditions are rainy API to WeatherService if (raining) –> normalize to 1 else 0

Model_Feature_Windy Weather

Determines if for the given time and location, if the conditions are windy API to WeatherService if (windy) → normalize to 1 else 0