Getting Started with Streaming Analytics
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Upload Custom UDFs

Steps for Uploading the Timestamp_Long UDF

  1. From the left-hand menu, click Configuration, then Application Resources.
  2. Select the UDF tab and click the + sign to create the TIMESTAMP_LONG UDF. This UDF will convert a string date time to a Timestamp long. The simple class for this UDF using the SAM SDK can be found here.

    The jar for this UDF is located in SAM_EXTENSIONS/custom-udf.

  3. Configure the UDF with the following values:

Steps for Configuring the Get_Week UDF

  1. Select the UDF tab and click the + sign to create the GET_WEEK UDF.

    The jar for this UDF is located in SAM_EXTENSIONS/custom-udf. This UDF will convert a timestamp string into the week of the year which is required for an enrichment query. The simple class for this UDF using the SAM SDK can be found here.

  2. Configure the UDF with the following values: