7. Upgrade Procedure

To upgrade your cluster from HDP 2.2.x to HDP 2.2.4:

  1. Download the appropriate HDP 2.2.4 hdp.repo file for your OS:


    Download the HDP RMs single repository tarball. (For information on how to install the repositories, see the local repository instructions.)

  2. Install the HDP 2.2.4 bits:

    Operating System


    RHEL/CentOS/Oracle LINUX

    Install HDP 2.2.4 components on relevant nodes, according to the services that run on those hosts:

    yum install "hadoop_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""oozie_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""pig_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""sqoop_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""zookeeper_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""hbase_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""hive_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""tez_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""storm_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""falcon_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""flume_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""phoenix_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""accumulo_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""mahout_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*"


    Install HDP 2.2.4 components on relevant nodes, according to the services that run on those hosts:

    zypper install "hadoop_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""oozie_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""pig_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""sqoop_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""zookeeper_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""hbase_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""hive_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""tez_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""storm_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""falcon_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""flume_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""phoenix_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""accumulo_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""mahout_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*"


    Install HDP 2.2.4 components on relevant nodes, according to the services that run on those hosts:

    apt-get install "hadoop_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""oozie_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""pig_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""sqoop_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""zookeeper_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""hbase_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""hive_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""tez_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""storm_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""falcon_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""flume_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""phoenix_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""accumulo_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*""mahout_2_2_4_22_2_2_0_*"

  3. Stop all HDP 2.2.x Services.

    If you are managing your cluster manually, stop all HDP 2.2.x Services. See "Controlling HDP Services Manually" in the HDP Reference Guide.

    If you are managing your cluster with Ambari 1.7.0, do the following:

    1. Open Ambari Web

    2. Browse to Services

    3. Use Service Actions to stop each service

    For all services, switch the active version to HDP 2.2.4.

    On each host in the cluster, use hdp-select to switch all services to the HDP 2.2.4 version:

    hdp-select set all <hdp2.2.4 version><br> Stop all HDP 2.2.x Ser

  4. (Ambari 1.7.0-managed clusters only) Complete the Stack Upgrade.

    If you are managing your cluster with Ambari 1.7.0, update the repository Base URLs to use the HDP 2.2.4 repositories for HDP and HDP-UTILS:

    1. Open Ambari Web

    2. Browse to Admin > Repositories

    3. Edit the Base URLs

  5. Start all HDP 2.2.4 services, in the following order:

    1. ZooKeeper

      su - zookeeper export ZOOCFGDIR=/usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/conf ; export ZOOCFG=zoo.cfg; source /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/conf/zookeeper-env.sh ; /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/bin/zkServer.sh start

    2. (HA NameNode upgrade only) ZooKeeper Failover Controller Daemons

      /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/../hadoop/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start zkfc

    3. (HA NameNode upgrade only) JournalNodes

      su - hdfs /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-journalnode/../hadoop/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start journalnode

    4. HDFS NameNode(s)

      Start the HDFS NameNode(s). Because there is no metadata schema update for this upgrade, start the NameNode(s) in normal mode:

      su - hdfs /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/../hadoop/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode

    5. Remaining Services

      Start the rest of the HDP services. On each host in the cluster, start the services that are relevant to that cluster. To identify the start commands for all services, see "Controlling HDP Services Manually" in the HDP Reference Guide.

    You now have an upgraded cluster. Ensure that your workloads run correctly on this upgraded cluster.