4.4. HBase 0.98.4

HDP 2.2.4 provides HBase 0.98.4 and the following addtional Apache patches:

  • HBASE-212. Addendum. Fixes a unit test

  • HBASE-10499 In write-heavy scenario one of the regions does not get flushed causing RegionTooBusyException

  • HBASE-11569 Addendum for not skipping replayed edits for primary region replica

  • HBASE-12238 A few exceptions on startup - PARTIAL BACKPORT

  • HBASE-12533 staging directories are not deleted after secure bulk load

  • HBASE-12575 Sanity check table coprocessor classes are loadable

  • HBASE-12536 Reduce the effective scope of GLOBAL CREATE and ADMIN permission

  • HBASE-12562 Handling memory pressure for secondary region replicas - ADDENDUM for fixing findbug reported issues

  • HBASE-12791 HBase does not attempt to clean up an aborted split when the regionserver shutting down

  • HBASE-12714 RegionReplicaReplicationEndpoint should not set the RPC Codec

  • HBASE-12958 SSH doing hbase:meta get but hbase:meta not assigned

  • HBASE-13120 Allow disabling hadoop classpath and native library lookup