HDP 2.2.4 provides Apache Tez 0.5.2 and the following Apache patches:
TEZ-1642. TestAMRecovery sometimes fails.
TEZ-1775. Allow setting log level per logger.
TEZ-1800. Integer overflow in ExternalSorter.getInitialMemoryRequirement()
TEZ-1836. Provide better error messages when tez.runtime.io.sort.mb, spill percentage is incorrectly configured.
TEZ-1851. FileSystem counters do not differentiate between different FileSystems
TEZ-1852. Get examples to work in Local Mode.
TEZ-1861. Fix failing test: TestOnFileSortedOutput.
TEZ-1878. Task-specific log level override not working in certain conditions
TEZ-1924. Tez AM does not register with AM with full FQDN causing jobs to fail in some environments.
TEZ-1931. Publish tez version info to Timeline.
TEZ-1934. TestAMRecovery may fail due to the execution order is not determined.
TEZ-1942. Number of tasks show in Tez UI with auto-reduce parallelism is misleading.
TEZ-1949: Whitelist TEZ_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZE_SHARED_FETCH for broadcast edges
TEZ-1962. Fix a thread leak in LocalMode.
TEZ-2024. Compiliation error due to conflict.
TEZ-2024. TaskFinishedEvent may not be logged in recovery.
TEZ-2037. Should log TaskAttemptFinishedEvent if taskattempt is recovered to KILLED
TEZ-2135. ACL checks handled incorrectly in AMWebController.
As part of HPD 2.2.4 Hortonworks is probiving a Tez Debugging User Interface. This interface does not impact the behavior or function of jobs that leverage Tez, and its use is optional. Patches added to facilitate the Tez Debugging User Interface include:
TEZ-1990. Tez UI: DAG details page shows Nan for end time when a DAG is running.
TEZ-2031. Tez UI: horizontal scrollbars do not appear in tables, causing them to look truncated.
TEZ-2038. TEZ-UI DAG is always running in tez-ui when the app is failed but no DAGFinishedEvent is logged.
TEZ-2043. Tez UI: add progress info from am webservice to dag and vertex views.
TEZ-2052. Tez UI: log view fixes, show version from build, better handling of ats url config.
TEZ-2056. Tez UI: fix VertexID filter,show only tez configs by default,fix appattemptid.
TEZ-2063. Tez UI: Flaky log url in tasks table.
TEZ-2065. Setting up tez.tez-ui.history-url.base with a trailing slash can result in failures to redirect correctly.
TEZ-2068. Tez UI: Dag view should use full window height, disable webuiservice in localmode.
TEZ-2069. Tez UI: appId should link to application in dag details view.
TEZ-2077. Tez UI: No diagnostics on Task Attempt Details page if task attempt failed
TEZ-2078. Tez UI: Task logs url use in-progress url causing various errors.
TEZ-2079. Tez UI: trailing slash in timelineBaseUrl in ui should be handled.
TEZ-2092. Tez UI history url handler injects spurious trailing slash.
TEZ-2098. Tez UI: Dag details should be the default page for dag, fix invalid time entries for failed Vertices.
TEZ-2101. Tez UI: Issues on displaying a table.
TEZ-2102. Tez UI: DAG view has hidden edges, dragging DAG by holding vertex causes unintended click.
TEZ-2106. TEZ UI: Display data load time, and add a refresh button for items that can be refreshed.
TEZ-2112. Tez UI: fix offset calculation, add home button to breadcrumbs.
TEZ-2114. Tez UI: task/task attempt status is not available when its running.
TEZ-2116. Tez UI: dags page filter does not work if more than one filter is specified.
TEZ-2134. TEZ UI: On request failure, display request URL and server name in error bar.
TEZ-2136. Some enhancements to the new Tez UI.
TEZ-2142. TEZ UI: Breadcrumb border color looks out of place in wrapped mode.
TEZ-2158. TEZ UI: Display dag/vertex names, and task/attempt index in breadcrumb
TEZ-2160. Tez UI: App tracking URL should support navigation back.
TEZ-2165. Tez UI: DAG shows running status if killed by RM in some cases.