HDP 2.2.4 provides Hive 0.14.0 and the following additional Apache patches:
HIVE-480: HDFSCleanup thread holds reference to FileSystem
HIVE-6468: HiveServer2 (tcp mode, with SASL layer) OOMs when getting a non-thrift message
HIVE-6679: HiveServer2 should support TCP Keepalive & Server Socket Timeout on blocking calls
HIVE-7175: Provide password file option to beeline
HIVE-7270: Serde info is not shown in show create table statement, but shows in the desc table
HIVE-8295: Add batch retrieve partition objects for metastore direct sql
HIVE-8485: SUMMARY-Hive metastore NPE with Oracle DB when there is empty value for string for tblproperties/serdeproperties/etc, table not usable after creation
HIVE-8762 : HiveMetaStore.BooleanPointer should be replaced with an AtomicBoolean
HIVE-8791 : Hive permission inheritance throws exception S3
HIVE-8850: SUMMARY-[ObjectStore:: rollbackTransaction() needs to be looked into further
HIVE-8881: Receiving json "could not find job" error when web client tries to fetch all jobs from WebHCat but HDFS does not have the data.
HIVE-8888: Hive on Tez query output duplicate rows when there is explode in subqueries for joins
HIVE-8891: SUMMARY-[Another possible cause to NucleusObjectNotFoundException from drops/rollback
HIVE-8893 : Implement whitelist for builtin UDFs to avoid untrused code execution in multiuser mode
HIVE-8966 : Delta files created by hive hcatalog streaming cannot be compacted
HIVE-9025 : join38.q (without map join) produces incorrect result when testing with multiple reducers
HIVE-9038: Join tests fail on Tez
HIVE-9055: Tez: union all followed by group by followed by another union all gives error
HIVE-9106 : improve the performance of null scan optimizer when several table scans share a physical path
HIVE-9112 : Query may generate different results depending on the number of reducers
HIVE-9141: HiveOnTez: mix of union all, distinct, group by generates error
HIVE-9155: HIVE_LOCKS uses int instead of bigint hive-txn-schema-0.14.0.mssql.sql
HIVE-9205: Change default Tez install directory to use /tmp instead of /user and create the directory if it does not exist
HIVE-9234: HiveServer2 leaks FileSystem objects in FileSystem.CACHE
HIVE-9235: Turn off Parquet Vectorization until all data types work: DECIMAL, DATE, TIMESTAMP, CHAR, and VARCHAR
HIVE-9249: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.io.HiveVarcharWritable cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveVarchar when joining tables
HIVE-9278: Cached expression feature broken in one case
HIVE-9316: TestSqoop tests in WebHCat testsuite hardcode libdir path to hdfs
HIVE-9351: Running Hive Jobs with Tez cause templeton to never report percent complete
HIVE-9359: SUMMARY-[Hive export OOM error when table is huge. (32TB data, 4800+ partitions)]
HIVE-9382 : Query got rerun with Global Limit optimization on and Fetch optimization off
HIVE-9390: Enhance retry logic wrt DB access in TxnHandler
HIVE-9401: SimpleFetchOptimizer for limited fetches without filters
HIVE-9404 NPE in org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnHandler.determineDatabaseProduct()
HIVE-9436: SUMMARY-[RetryingMetaStoreClient does not retry JDOExceptions]
HIVE-9446: JDBC DatabaseMetadata.getColumns() does not work for temporary tables
HIVE-9473 : sql std auth should disallow built-in udfs that allow any java methods to be called
HIVE-9593. ORC reader should ignore new/unknown metadata streams.
HIVE-9652: STDERR redirection should not use in place updates TEZ UI
HIVE-9665: Parallel move task optimization causes race condition
HIVE-9673 : Set operationhandle in ATS entities for lookups
HIVE-9683: Client TCP keep-alive for Thrift as a workaround for THRIFT-2788
HIVE-9684: Incorrect disk range computation in ORC because of optional stream kind
HIVE-9743 Incorrect result set for vectorized left outer join
HIVE-9779 : ATSHook does not log the end user if doAs=false (it logs the hs2 server user)
HIVE-9836: Hive on Tez: fails when virtual columns are present in the join conditions (for e.g. partition columns)
HIVE-9841: IOException thrown by ORC should include the path of processing file
HIVE-9886: Tez NPE error when initialize reducer from 2 row_number function on each join side
HIVE-9892: HIVE schema failed to upgrade from HDP 2.0/2.1 to HDP 2.2 with schematool
HIVE-9832: Merge join followed by union and a map join in hive on tez fails.