HDP 2.4.3 provides Falcon 0.6.1 and the following Apache patches:
FALCON-1880: Add --skipcrccheck to distcp options for HiveDR when using Distcp to copy the file from Encryption to Encryption.
FALCON-1894: HDFS Data replication cannot be initiated independent of Oozie server location.
FALCON-2007: Fix Hive DR Replication failing with "Can not create a Path from a null string."
FALCON-2072: Hive2 URLs in Falcon should allow additional configuration elements in the URL.
FALCON-2075: Falcon HiveDR tasks do not report progress and can get killed.
HDP 2.4.2 provided Falcon 0.6.1 with no additional Apache patches included.
HDP 2.4.0 provided Falcon 0.6.1 with no additional Apache patches included.